Title Mass Maintenance of Material Catalogs Purpose The report IS-H: Mass Maintenance of Material Catalogs>(RNUMKAT4) lets you maintain material catalog items in several cata logs. You can assign catalogs to various organizational units in the IS-HImplementation Guide>. As a result, the same material numbers mayappear in a large number of different catalogs. The report lets youchange individual items for a material in several catalogs withouthaving to modify each catalog entry in basic data maintenance. For example, you can make changes pertaining to a given material (e.g.order quantity, unit of measure) in all of the catalogs in which thematerial is valid in a single processing step. In addition to changing the item attributes, you can also replace amaterial by another material in all relevant catalogs.Features Selection In addition to specifying the existing material number, you can alsospecify the number of the material you wish to replace (follow-upmaterial), or the existing material attributes you wish to modify. Ifyou specify a material to be replaced and attributes to be modified,the new information relates to the new material. If you don't specify amaterial to be changed, the information to be changed relates to therelevant catalog entries for the existing material. The selection screen lets you restrict processing to individualcatalogs. You can modify the following information:
- Order quantity
- Minimum quantity
- Maximum quantity
- Unit of measure
- Unloading point
- Approval type
Output In relation to the existing material numbers specified and therestriction to specific catalogs, the report lists all of the catalogsin which the material occurs. You can then select some or all of the catalogs in order to carry outthe change using the information specified on the selection screen. Note the traffic light icons that report inconsistencies in the catalogentries and in the information to be modified. They report thefollowing problems:
- The specified unit of measure is not defined in the material master
- Open material requisitions exist for the discontinued material number
- The follow-up material is not defined for the current plant of the
existing material (error)
- Order quantity > maximum quantity (error)
- Order quantity < minimum quantity (error)
The text describing the traffic light information is output in theComment> field. The report does not carry out the requested change for catalog itemsidentified as containing errors (red light). The indication thatmaterial items are open (orange light) is for your information and doesnot prevent the changes from being effectuated. All entries withoutfurther information are displayed with a green light.