Description This program can read data on service pair inclusion and exclusionrules from a sequential file, and to write this data to table NLPA. Selection screen Enter the institution. Specify the following also:
- Service catalog:> Specify the catalog to which the service rules
- Message type:> Specify the message type to be used if the system
finds that a rule has been violated.
- Rule type> Specify the rule type to be used by the system for the
service pairs. Please remember that the rule type determines whetherthe rule checks for mutually inclusive or mutually exclusive servicepairs.
- Inclusion indicator:> Select this field if the rule type checks
for mutually inclusive services. If you have specified rule types R2 orR4, this indicator will be set automatically.
- Path:> Enter the file name of the sequential file from which the
data is to be read. Please specify the entire file path.
- Presentation server:> This indicator determines whether the
system searches for the sequential file on the application server orthe presentation server. If you select this field, the system willsearch on the presentation server.
- Prefix:> Whatever you enter here will be prefixed to the services
that are read, before they are written to table NLPA.
- Suffix:> Whatever you enter here will be suffixed to the services
that are read, before they are written to table NLPA.
- Rule:> If the sequential file contains a third column to the
right of the columns for the service codes, you can use this column toselect data. To find out what this third column contains, please referto the structure description for the file in question.
- Test mode:> If you select this field, no changes will be written
to the database.Precondition The services to be written to the table must already exist in thecatalogs in question. Furthermore, an entry cannot be created in tableNLPA if it already exists there. If this is the case, the system issuesa message at the end of the program run stating that not all theentries could be written to the table. Structure of sequential files Exclusions Each entry (line) in the sequential file must be structured as follows: Columns 1-5: Service 1 Columns 6-10: Service 2 Columns 11-12: Rule Inclusions Each entry (line) in the sequential file must be structured as follows: Columns 1-5: Service 1 Columns 6-10: Service 2 Output The system outputs a list that is structured in the same way as tableNLPA. If you ran the program in production mode, this is the way inwhich the data was written to this table.