This program deletes all data records from the insurance provider tableNKTR for which the deletion flag is set and which are not referred toby another table. The following tables are checked: NVVP NKIP NKLP NNAU NNK1 NNTF NNVR NPTW NTFI TN21A TNA21A TNF31 NGPZ The check for an insurance provider is terminated directly for thefirst dependent data record in one of the named tables. No insurance providers are deleted in test mode. A check is run onevery selected insurance provider to see whether it can be deleted anda corresponding message is issued. If you have requested details, the results of the checks on theindividual tables are output. The insurance provider in the form of a business partner is alsodeleted if you select The customer is also deleted if you selected Precondition Output |