Purpose This report lets you cancel service transfers from IS-H into CO. Thiscould be necessary, for example, if a transfer into CO took place withan incorrect Customizing setting (e.g. incorrect activity typeassignment). Here "cancel" means a posting with corresponding negativequantity analog to the original document. A reversal does not takeplace. Note that all> transfers of a service are always canceled, evenif your selection criteria stipulate only a particular transfer of aservice. This means that all relevant services have the status "nottransferred" following cancellation of the transfer and will becompletely and automatically transferred again during the next normaltransfer into COFeatures Selection On the selection screen, you can enter exact details about the data youwant to cancel. Enter first of all whether the services arecase-related or OU-related services. The remaining selection criteria is divided into three groups:
- In the Service data> group you can restrict the selection to
certain services or service attributes. This includes, e.g. therequesting OU and the performing OU, but also cases for which theseservices were entered (or the OU of OU-related services). A caseselection is also available as selection criteria to help you toprocess case-related services
- In the Account assignment data> group you can restrict your
selection regarding objects with CO account assignment. These aresender cost center, receiver (cost center or order), the relevantactivity type and the activity. The process specifies whether theservice refers to allocatable activity types or sender activities(non-allocatable activity types).
- In the Posting data >group you can enter certain posting periods,
transfer periods, or the user who carried out the errored transfer runas selection criteria. If you select the Test mode> option, the data is selected and thesystem runs a check as to whether or not a cancellation is possiblefrom an IS-H perspective. Only in live mode (the Test mode>option is not selected) are cancellations carried out in CO and thetransfer status of the services is reset correspondingly.Output You will first see a dialog box showing the messages which weregenerated during transfer. Note that message NH 046 (Case &:service & no longer relevant for CO after transfer>) is generated asa result of the cancellation procedure (for cancellation the systemsimulates that the service is no longer CO relevant). You then go to a log of all the CO postings that were carried out. Thisis output with the SAP List Viewer which offers you a range of optionsto help you to analyze the log. You can also view the messages at anytime with the function Goto-> Messages>.