Use You can use this program to assign organizational units (OUs) in IS-Hto cost centers in Controlling (CO). You can also use the program todisplay these assignments. The hierarchical structure of the OUs in aninstitution is displayed - all you have to do is enter the appropriatecost center for the OUs in question. You can also delimit the costcenter assignments by specifying a validity period. The organizationalcategory of an OU (nursing OU, for example, or departmental OU) isdepicted by means of color coding. For more information on what thevarious colors represent, call up the color key. You can choose a specific view for maintaining and displayingassignments (for example, the revenue accounting view, activityallocation sender view, or activity allocation receiver view). The viewthat you choose will determine the maintenance/display structure thatyou will use. The program writes data to table NO2K (revenue accountingview), or to table NOEK (all other views). Since you can write data totable NOEK from several different views, you should be aware that whenyou assign cost centers to an OU, this can affect other views. For moreinformation on the various views available, and on rule tables NOEK andNO2K, refer to
- The Implementation Guide for SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific
Components for Hospitals (step: Integration with Controlling ->Assignments -> Assign Cost Centers toOrganizational Units>>)
- The extended online help (Integration with Controlling>)
This program is provided principally for use during Customizing - tosimplify the procedure of assigning OUs to cost centers.Precondition
- The organizational units of an institution in IS-H must be defined.
- The cost centers in CO must be defined, and they must be valid for the
entire assignment period.Features Selection Screen You can assign an entire institution, or you can assign specificorganizational units within an institution (see field Departmentalorganizational unit>). In the Start maintenance date> field, you enter the start datefor the assignment. You should enter a date that lies in the future.You should also specify assignments for an entire calendar month (thatis, you should enter the first day of a given month in this field). Ifyou do not enter anything in this field, the system automaticallyproposes today's date. To choose a view, you select the radio button to the left of the viewin question.Output The system outputs a hierarchical structure containing the OUs selectedin the institution in question. To the right of each OU, you will see acolumn for cost centers. The following applies to the fields in thecost center column:
- If it is not possible to assign OUs to cost centers in a particular
view (for example, outpatient OUs in the "Statistical key figures -departmental" view), the cost center field is hidden for these OUs.
- If it is possible to assign OUs to cost centers, but a valid assignment
has not been defined for the future, the cost center field is ready forinput (in "Maintain" mode). If a valid assignment was not made for the selection date, the costcenter field is empty. If a valid assignment was made for the selection date, the cost centerin question appears in the cost center field.
- If it is possible to assign OUs to cost centers, and if at least one
valid assignment has been defined for the future, the cost center fieldis not ready for input. Instead, an icon is displayed alongside thecost center column. If you click this icon, a dialog box appears. Thisdialog box displays a detailed list of the assignments.
- The view that you choose on the selection screen determines whether
only the nursing view, departmental view, or outpatient view of an OUis displayed (or whether these views are merged into one entry). Thisis, for example, possible for the key figure views.
- The view that you choose on the selection screen also determines
whether OUs where inter-departmental bed assignment is allowed are onlydisplayed underneath their superordinate OU. This is, for example, thecase if you choose the "Activity Allocation Sender " view. Note You can display the detailed list by double-clicking the cost centerfield. This list contains the cost center assignments that are valid asof the selection date for the OU combination in question. The list issorted by the validity period start date of the cost centerassignments. If you are in "Maintain" mode, the program automaticallyproposes an entry that has been restricted even further when you callup the dialog box. This entry does not contain a cost cenetrassignment. Please note that any changes you make only stored temporarily to startwith. Your changes are not written to the database until you click theSave icon.Activity To assign OUs to cost centers, proceed as follows: Cost center field is ready for input No valid cost center assignment defined for selection date: Enter a valid cost center. The system sets the validity period for this assignment automatically -the start date is the selection date, and the end date is the latestpossible system date (12/31/9999). Choose Continue>. The short text for the cost center appears. The data you entered isstored in a buffer. Alternatively, you can define the assignment as follows in the dialogbox: RESET N1 Select the cost center field you want by double-clicking it. The system displays a detailed list that contains a line for the OUcombination in question and validity period. In the Cost center> field, enter a valid cost center. Thenconfirm your entries by choosing Continue>.Valid cost center assignment defined for selection date: RESET N1 Enter a valid cost center. The system sets the validity period for this assignment automatically -the start date is the selection date, and the end date is the latestpossible system date (12/31/9999). Choose Continue>. The short text for the cost center appears. At the same time, the validity period of the cost center assignmentthat was previously defined for the selection date is delimitedaccordingly: If the start date of the validity period is earlier than the selectiondate, the end date is set to the day before the selection date. If the start date of the validity period is the same as the selectiondate, this cost center assignment is overwritten by the new cost centerassignment. Alternatively, you can also define a cost center assignment in thedetail screen. To do this, double-click the cost center field inquestion. In the detail list that appears, you will see that an entryhas been proposed beside the valid assignment. This entry contains theOU combination to which the cost center is assigned, and the validityperiod of this assignment. In the Cost center> field, enter avalid cost center, and confirm you entries by choosing Continue>.The existing cost center assignment is delimited as described above.Cost center field not ready for input In this case, at least one cost center assignment is valid in thefuture. No valid cost center assignment defined for selection date: The only way that you can maintain the cost center assignment is byclicking the icon. The detailed list that appears contains all costcenter assignments that are valid as of the selection date. The listalso contains a maintenance entry whose validity start date is theselection date and validity end date is the day before the start dateof the first valid cost center assignment in the future. In theCost center> field, enter a valid cost center, and then chooseContinue>.One valid cost center assignment defined for selection date: In this case, at least one valid cost center assignment has beendefined for the selection date, and one valid assignment has beendefined in the future. You can only maintain cost center assignments here if you delete eitherthe assignment that is valid on the selection date, or theassignment(s) that are valid in the future. To do this, proceed asfollows: RESET N1 Click the icon beside the cost center column. The detailed listappears. This detailed list contains all the cost center assignments that havealready been defined, and an entry whose validity start date is theselection date, and whose validity end date is the latest possiblesystem date (12/31/9999). Now follow one of the two procedures below: Delete all cost center assignments with validity start dates later thanthe selection date You can now define a cost center assignment asdescribed above. The cost center assignment that was previously validon the selection date is delimited as described above. Delete the cost center assignment that was previously valid on theselection date. When you do this, the validity end date of yourmaintenance entry changes. The validity start date is the selectiondate, and the validity end date is the day before the validity startdate of the first cost center assignment in the future. Now confirm your entries by choosing Continue>.Deleting cost center assignments You can delete cost center assignments in the detailed list: RESET N1 Call up the detailed list by double-clicking the cost center field inquestion. Select one or more entries, and choose Delete>. Confirm your entries by choosing Continue>.Merging validity periods If you assign the same cost center to an OU combination for consecutivevalidity periods, the system merges these periods into one validityperiod. Examples The cost centers COST1, COST2 and COST3 are defined in CO, and arevalid for the periods in question. The following OUs were created for the institution INST1: The nursing OUs INP1, INP2 and the outpatient clinic OUT1 are assignedto the departmental OU SURG1. The OU INP1 has inter-departmental bedassignment authority. The departmental OU SURG2 makesinter-departmental bed assignments on the OU SURG2. This results in the following OU hierarchy: INST1 |--SURG1 (departmental) | |--INP1 (departmental/nursing) | |--INP2 (nursing) | |--OUT1 (outpatient) |--SURG2 (departmental) |--INP2 (nursing/inter-departmental) The following cost center assignments are already defined in tableNOEK: ORGFA,, ORGPF,,KOSTL,, BEDDT,,,,ENDDT CHIR1,, * ,,COST1,,01/01/1998,,12/31/9999 INP1,, * ,,COST2,,01/01/1998,,12/31/2000 INP1,, * ,,COST3,,01/01/2001,,12/31/9999 SURG2,, * ,,COST4,,01/01/2000,,12/31/9999 SURG1,,INP1,,COST5,,01/01/1997,,12/31/1998 SURG1,,INP1,,COST6,,01/01/1999,,12/31/9999 The list below is output if you run the program with the followingparameters: Institution = INST1, Start maintenance date = 07/01/1999,select "Statistical key figures - departmental" view. INST1 |--SURG1 COST1 (departmental) | |--INP1 COST6 (nursing) | |--INP1 COST2 (departmental) | |--INP2 blank (nursing) | |--OUT1 blank (outpatient) |--SURG2 blank (departmental) |--INP2 blank (nursing/inter-departmental) You cannot enter data in the cost center fields with an icon besidethem. You can only maintain these fields by accessing the detailed listfirst. The OU INP1 appears twice in the list: one for its departmental view,and once for its nursing view. The NOEK entry: SURG1, INP1, COST5, 01/01/1997, 12/31/1998 is notdisplayed since it is earlier than the selection date (i.e. in thepast). If you want to assign a cost center (COST7, for example) to the OUcombination SURG1, INP1, you can do this directly by overwriting theentry COST6 with COST7. When you save this change, table NOEK will thencontain the following entries: ORGFA,, ORGPF,,KOSTL,, BEGDT,,,,ENDDT ... SURG1,,INP1,,COST5,,01/01/1997,,12/31/1998 <- unchanged SURG1,,INP1,,COST6,,01/01/1999,,06/30/1999 <- changed SURG1,,INP1,,COST7,,07/01/1999,,12/31/9999 <- added ... If you want to assign a cost center (COST8, for example) to the OUcombination INP1, *, you can only do this in the detailed list. Thislist contains the two cost center assignments (COST2 and COST3), aswell as a meaintenance entry whose validity start date is 07/01/1999and whose validity end date is 12/31/9999. If you wan to deefine a costcenter assignment, you must delete one of the existing cost centerassignments first. If you delete the assignment INP1, *, COST2, 01/01/1998, 12/31/2000,the validity start date of the maintenance entry is changed to07/01/1999 and the validity end date is changed to 12/31/2000. If youenter cost center KOST7, and save your entries, table NOEK will nowcontains the following entries: ORGFA,, ORGPF,,KOSTL,, BEGDT,,,,ENDDT ... INP1,, * ,,COST7,,07/01/1999,,12/31/2000 <- added INP1,, * ,,COST3,,01/01/2001,,12/31/9999 <- unchanged ... The following entry was deleted: INP1,, * ,,COST2,,01/01/1998,,12/31/2000 If you delete the assignment INP1, *, COST3, 01/01/2001, 12/31/9999,you can then assign cost center COST7 directly. When you save yourentries, table NOEK will now contain the following entries: ORDFA,, ORGPF,,KOSTL,, BEGDT,,,,ENDDT ....,,.... INP1,, * ,,COST2,,01/01/1998,,06/30/1999 <- changed INP1,, * ,,COST7,,07/01/1999,,12/31/9999 <- added ... The following entry was deleted: INP1,, * ,,COST3,,01/01/2001,,12/31/9999