SAP Program RNUHCO04 - IS-H: Evaluate Transfer Information

You can use this program to display the transfer information of the HCOinterface.
The list is output with the ABAP List Viewer.

Functions of Data source... Pushbutton
To avoid long run times each time the report is called, you can useData source.. to save the selected report data in an extract.For further information about this, seeWorking with Report Extracts.

Note that this program is only an auxiliary program and is not suitablefor displaying all of the information that has been transferred in aproduction system. For this reason, you should keep your data selectionas small as possible by restricting the posting date or the period, forexample.

If you do not start the report in the background, a range of functionsare available on the list:

  • Scroll horizontally, column-by-column

  • You can scroll horizontally column-by-column using the pushbuttonsprovided.
    • Sort

    • You can use the sort function to sort the list as required after youhave selected the sort criteria in the list header. For each sortcriterion, you can also define whether the list is to be sorted inascending or descending order.
      • Display selection criteria

      • You can display or print the current selection criteria with theDisplay selection criteria function. If you execute the list inthe background, it is preceded by the selection criteria.
        • Change list layout

        • You can choose the characteristics that appear on the list using theDisplay variant functions. Select the fields that are to appearon the list and deselect those that you do not require. Thecharacteristics are grouped according to certain criteria underField group:
          All fields
          Transmission info
          You can change the order of fields in the list with the Displayvariant function. To do so, cut out a field and insert it at therequired position.
          You can also save a display variant with the functions Displayvariant --> Save, Display variant --> Management, Displayvariant --> Choose.
          • Filter

          • The Set filter function filters the list according to yourrequirements, for example, to display only transfers for a specificorganizational unit. You can reset the filter condition with Deletefilter.
            • Basic list

            • You can use the Basic list function to reset all of the changesyou have made to the layout and return the list to the predefinedlayout.
              All of the functions of the ABAP List Viewer are documented in full inthe cross-application component (CA).

377423IS-H: Selection via FY incorrect in RNUHCO04