Description This report determines the physician entered for the last inpatient oroutpatient stay, and saves the family physician and referring physicianas default values in patient master data. This will mean that, if theperson is admitted for inpatient or outpatient treatment in the future,these physicians will be defaulted in the corresponding admission datafields. Precondition You only have to run this report if you want to use the new functionfor defaulting physicians in the admission data fields of patients whohave already been defined in the system. If you do, run the report oncefor all patients after you have upgraded to IS-H release 3.02 (referalso to the corresponding 3.02 releasenote>). You can also use the report to correct existing defaultvalues for one or more patients if these existing defaults are out ofdate (if, for example, changes were made to a previous stay, and thephysicians were stored as defaults by mistake, or if the patient masterdata was blocked by another user when you were entering readmissiondata).Realize On the selection screen of this report, you can enter the patientswhose default values you want to redefine. If you flag the Testmode> field, the data is not written to patient master data. In thiscase, the system merely outputs a log. Using the log control settings,you can specify which patients you want to generate a log record for:
- Patients where at least one physician has changed> - in this
case, the system outputs all the patients with at least one defaultphysician that has changed as a result of this report being run.
- Patients for whom no defaults had been defined> - in this case,
the system outputs all the patients for whom a default physician hadnot been defined, and for whom at least was default physician wasdefined as a result of the report being run.
- Patients where no changes were made> - in this case, the system
outputs all the patients whose default physicians were not changed as aresult of the report being run.Output The report outputs a list of all patients who meet the selectioncriteria specified, along with their default physicians before andafter the report was run. If any errors occurred, these are displayedin an error log (if you start a live run of the report, some of thepatients to be changed may be blocked). If you start the report in testmode, you can then start a live run of the report from the log. Note Depending on the number of patients involved, this report can have verylong response times. Where possible, always try to start it in thebackground, and at a time when the system load is not so heavy. Sincethe report blocks patients whose data is is going to change, you shouldstart the report at a time when as few users as possible are changingpatient master data.