Description This report can limit an extended service to a specific key date andgenerate a new service that takes effect as of the key date. The reportonly does this for patients who are inpatients and day patients and whoare receiving treatment before and after the key date. Final billingmust not have been performed for these patients. The extended service for these patients is delimited as of 2400 hourson the day before the key date, and the new service is generated as of0000 hours on the key date. If the start of the extended service fallsafter the key date, the extended service is cancelled, and thesubstituting service is created using the same start and end dates. Ifthe key date is in the future, then services which have to be in thefuture are generated with the status 'planned'. If the substitutingservice already exists, and it conflicts with the new service you wantto create, the new service will not be created, and the existingsubstituting service will not be changed! Due to the technology used for changing the services (batch input), theprogram cannot identify whether the services could actually be changedcorrectly. Errors can occur, particularly in cases where interimbilling has been performed, if the services that have already beenbilled are to be delimited using a date that falls before the billingdate. In other words, this program can only make changes that couldalso be made if the services were entered online. However, since the program checks to see if the services which it hasto generate already exist, you can perform a second test run after the'real' run and check that everything was generated correctly. Theaction log should be empty if this is the case. Selection screen On the selection screen, you must enter the institution and also thefollowing:
- Service to be limited:> Enter the service that you want to
- New service>: Enter the service that you want to create and take
effect as of the key date. This service must also be an extendedservice.
- Key date:> Specify the date as of which the original service is
to be delimited and the new service is to take effect.
- Case:> You can use this field to run the report for specific
cases. If you do not enter anything here, the system will automaticallyprocess all the cases affected.