Description This report lets you copy DRG codes from the DRG catalog into thein-house service catalog. These codes are then available in serviceentry, for example, for billing purposes. The report also creates anassignment between the original DRG code and this copied "service",thus enabling service rule R11 to check, for example, in service entrywhether the correct services were entered. Besides the institution, you have to specify the DRG catalog in theSource Catalog> field and thein-house service catalog>in the Target Catalog Field>. If you flag the Test Mode>checkbox, the IS-H System merely simulates the copy and doesn't makeany changes in the database. The DRG Code> field lets you further restrict the master data tobe copied from the source catalog. In the Service Attributes> group box, you can specify particularattributes with which the report is to create the services in thetarget catalog. For instance, you can stipulate a prefix that whentaken together with the original DRG code creates the new service code.Please note that in addition to the attributes that you can specifyhere, the report defaults other attributes of the services in thein-house service catalog. For example, it always sets the charge typeto "35". The report leaves certain elements of the DRGs out of thecopy. Thus long texts, planned data and additional data specific to thecountry version Germany are excluded. If you have defined a price column in the source catalog that containsthe DRG cost weight, under Settings> you can specify the relevantcolumn from the source catalog and a column from the target cataloginto which the report is to copy the values. The Create Missing Assignments> option is only relevant if whilecopying the DRG codes the system detects that a particular service isalready contained in the target catalog. In such cases, a check isperformed to establish whether the assignment to this service existsalready. If no assignment exists, and this option is selected, thereport creates the assignment. If this option is not selected, the copyoperation is discontinued for this DRG. Please note that service masterdata is not overwritten. If a service already exists, it is not alignedon the data to be copied. Alternative texts or other attributes arethus retained.Precondition The assignment type must be maintained in the DRG documentationparameters for the report to be able to assign the DRG codes to theservices. You maintain this assignment type in Customizing for IS-H bychoosing Medical/Nursing Documentation> -> DRG Documentation > -> Set Parameters for DRG Documentation>.Output The results list contains the processed DRG codes and the associatedservices. The M> column indicates if the master data was copiedand the A> column indicates whether the assignment was created.If both columns are empty for a service, the service and the assignmentexisted already. |