Description The program lists all of the records in the table NKIP (pre-approvedinsurance/default values) for all clients in the system. If the programdetects the same sequential number NKIP (internal key) more than oncein a client, it selects all duplicate records. You can run the program in test mode or in live mode. Important Note In live mode, the program deletes, without requesting confirmation,records with the same sequential number NKIP, with the exception of thefirst record found for a number. If you don't wish deletion to be automatic, proceed as follows: Run the program in test mode. Process the result list manually using the transaction NK30 (changepre-approved insurance) and NK35 (change default values) as follows: Call one of the two transactions. First copy the incorrect entry, since the copy contains a newsequential numebr NKIP. Then delete the incorrect entry. After you have processed all duplicate entries, you should run theprogram RNUDNKIP again. When no further duplicate entries with the same sequential number arefound, you can create the secondary index as described in the releasenote Unique Index for Pre-ApprovedInsurance/Default Values>>. |