Description The program deletes services from the service catalogs as well asdependent master data (texts, column values and service assignments). You can display the affected data beforehand in test mode. THE PROGRAM DELETES THE SELECTED DATA IRREVOCABLY, PROVIDED YOU DO NOTUSE TEST MODE! For reasons of security, a confirmation box is however brought up atthe start of the program allowing you to cancel without changes beingmade to the database. Precondition IMPORTANT: You use the program at your own risk. It should always onlybe used in the test phase. Not all dependent data (for example, theperformed services) is deleted, and this can result in an IS-H systeminconsistency. SAP accepts no responsibility for damage resulting fromthe use of this program. Output Selection The selection of the program depends on the parameters with which youstart it. This allows you to choose, for example only services
- Of certain institutions
- Of certain service catalogs
- With a certain service code
- That are valid for a specified time interval
- With a certain name (short text 1)
- Of a certain category (option Service group> can be selected)
Special features of period selection If you do not enter a start date or end date, the program selects validmaster data from the period 01/01/1990 - 12/31/9999 The selection of atime partial interval refers only to the validity of the serviceheader. The service assignments and service catalog columns aredetermined and deleted independently of the time interval for theentire period if the service header is deleted. General notes
- You can combine all selection parameters.
- Always start the program in test mode first (i.e. select Test mode
>) and check the results.
- When you specify 'valid from' and 'valid to', the services that at
valid on at least one day in the respective interval are selected.Example Example: If you enter the institution '0001', service catalog '02',service 'P*' and start date 01/01/94, you delete all services inservice catalog 2 of institution 1, whose service code starts with 'P'and whose master record is valid on at least one day in the period01/01/94 - 12/31/9999. If you want to select all services, which are valid on 01/01/95, enterthis date for both the 'valid from' and 'valid to' parameters. If you simply want to run the program as a test, select Test mode >.