Description The ZI diagnosis coding catalog ICD-10 (Version 95.5) is imported froma sequential file into the target catalog you must specify. If thetarget catalog is already defined in the system, it is updated. Thedatabase is only updated if Test mode> is not selected on theprogram selection screen. The import program only takes into account the record type of theICD-10.ASC file to be procured from ZI. The catalog stored in this fileis the most suitable for import purposes.Precondition Only the record type of the ICD-10.ASC file produced by ZI issupported. The sequential file should be converted using the codepagedefined in the SAP System. To execute this conversion, use the RNUBIS00program. To be able to read the sequential dataset, the SAP System requires theread authorization for the directory in which the sequential dataset islocated. The target catalog to be specified must be defined in Customizing forIS-H. Output If Log> is selected on the program selection screen, all of thediagnoses imported are listed. |