Description The diagnosis code catalog (of ZI in Germany) ICD-9 (May 1994) isimported to the IS-H table NKDI from a sequential file (ICD9SORT.ASC).The ZI catalog is stored in IS-H under the target catalog, which mustbe entered. Only the record type of the ZI file ICD9SORT.ASC is supported. Thecatalog stored here is the most suitable for the import, since theheaders are not contained here. Special characters, such as '#' or thestring '.-' with a 3-number ICD-9 code are eliminated by the report. If the target catalog already exists, this can be updated with the ZIcatalog. Precondition Only the record type of the ZI file ICD9SORT.ASC is supported. Thesequential file should be converted with the code pages defined in theSAP System. Please execute the report RNUBIS00 to do this. To be able to read the sequential dataset, the SAP System needs readauthorization for the directory in which the sequential dataset lies. The target catalog to be entered must be defined in Customizing. Output If the test mode parameter is not set, diagnosis master records areinserted in the table NKDI for the predefined catalog. |