Description The report deletes billing records for a case. In this case, bothheader and line item data of the affected billing documents is deleted;and also the SD document flow records and the header update fields. The affected IS-H tables (NFAL, NBRK, NKONV, NBRKAZ) are also set to aconsistent status, with only one exception: If you make use of theoption to delete only one selection of several bills for a case, thesettlement status may not be set correctly in the table NFAL. You mustthen do this yourself using the report RNAABRKZ. If Delete Dunning Data> is selected: All dunning runs in which the selected documents are involved aredeleted COMPLETELY (MHNK, MHND, MAHNV, MAHNS). The dunning information in the customer master (date of last dunningnotice, highest dunning level) is reset for the dunning areas of thedocuments involved. ATTENTION: Dunning run must not be locked! This means that dunning can be carried out for the customer immediatelyafter the billing documents have been created again. If a one-time account exists, the dunning data is not deleted! You can display the affected bill number beforehand in test mode. In the Singapore country version, you can create 'provisional bills'which you can also delete using this program. (Selection under Inv.ctgry>). The default settings can be used for other country versions.The tables concerned are NVBRK, NVBRP und NVKONV. THE REPORT DELETES THE SELECTED DATA, AND IT CANNOT BE RECOVERED ASLONG AS YOU ARE NOT USING TEST MODE! For security, a query appears when starting the program with which youcan cancel without the database changes being made.Precondition IMPORTANT: Using the report is carried out on your own responsibility.It basically should only be used in the test phase. SAP takes noresponibility for damage caused by usage of this report. |