Description This program enables you to change the currency of a service catalog andto translate the values of the currency columns of the correspondingservice master records into the new currency of the service catalog. In addition to the catalog column values, the amounts of the maximumvalues for services are translated too. If you selected Test mode>, no changes are made in the database. If you changed the currency of an existing service catalog inCustomizing, the system prompts you to run this program. You can,however, execute the program from reporting. If you run the program fromCustomizing, the relevant fields are already filled on the selectionscreen. You should, nevertheless, check the specified selection criteriabefore executing the program. The following selection criteria are available to you:
- Institution>: Institution in which the service catalog is used
- Service catalog>: Catalog containing the services whose currency
amount you want to translate
- Old currency>: Currency of the service catalog used up to now
- New currency>: New currency of the service catalog
- Rate date>: The exchange rate for the specified day is used for
the currency translation
- Rate type>: Type of exchange rate (standard translation at average
rate, etc.). The average rate is the default value here.
- Change to>: In general, you should not> make an entry in
this field. Should, however, the situation arise where your catalog containsservices whose prices have been translated into the new catalog currencyalongside services for which this translation has not taken place, thisfield enables you to translate the prices of services that have beenchanged prior to a given date. Example By mistake, amounts in the new catalog currency have been entered for anumber of services in your catalog, although the RNCURRU1 program hasstill to be run for this catalog. Since you know that these changes were made on 07/01/1999, you canexecute the program with 07/01/1999 in the Change to> field. Theprogram then only translates the prices of services that were lastchanged before 07/01/1999. Prices of services that were changed as of07/01/1999 are not translated.Precondition For the system to be able to translate the amounts in the servicecurrency columns, the system settings for the currencies involved mustbe maintained in Customizing. (Refer to the Section Global Settings-> Currencies> of the Implementation Guide>).Output The program outputs a log containing the translation ate used, thecatalog columns to be translated and the number of amounts translated. If errors occur during the translation, the system generates messagesaccordingly.