Description This program enables you to request risk information from NPMIindependently of the normal case creation transaction. This program has been provisionally released for test purposes only. Specify the patient identification or the external patientidentification of the patient for whom you want to send a request toNPMI. If you select Goto risk factor maintenance>, you directly branchinto the risk factor processing transaction after executing theprogram. In particular if you are using an asynchronous transmissionprocedure, it can arise that the data from the Ministry of Health hasnot been received when you access the risk factor transaction. In such cases, please remain patient, and then choose Refresh>.As soon as the response from the Ministry of Health is available, thecorresponding data is displayed in the risk factor transaction.Precondition You can only execute this program for patients who exist in the IS-Hdatabase. It is not sufficient to simply specify an unknown externalpatient identification (UIN). To run this program, you require the authorization S_PROGRAM with theaction SUBMIT for the report group N_U3_SR. You must also have the authorization N_EINR_REP for the requiredinstitution and for the program RNUCNPMR. You must also be authorized to process the data of the patient for whomyou are requesting NPMI data. To be able to branch directly into the risk factor transaction, youmust have the authorizations for this transaction. Customizing for NPMI data dispatch must be correct to guarantee thesuccess of message exchange. Output You send a message to NPMI (message type = REQUEST) and in returnreceive the risk factor data of the patient which is on file at theMinistry of Health. You can find out whether the message was actually sent from theinformation in the program RNC301U2 or in the risk factor transaction. |