Description This program lets you handle error messages independently of the normalrisk information transaction. It lets you reconstruct the originalstatus of risk factor data whose transmission contained errors, andthen transmit it again. This program has been released for test purposes only. Enter the patient number or the external ID of the patient for whom youwish to reconstruct the NPMI risk factor data, or search for thepatient via error messages from message transmission. You can usually find patients by means of error message NC423: "Errorsdetected during data transmission". Caution: You can change the data once only. This results in the currentvalues (outbound data) being overwritten! Precondition To be able to execute this program you require authorization S_PROGRAMwith action SUBMIT for report group N_U3_SR. You also require authorization N_EINR_REP for the desired institutionand program RNUCNPMC. You also have to have authorization to process the patient whose NPMIdata you wish to transmit. Message exchange can only function correctly if Customizing for NPMI iscorrect. You can only run this program for IS-H Release 4.03 or later if fieldNC301S-PATNR is filled (program RNXPRA13 must have been run). If more than one non-canceled identical risk factors exist, you have tomake modifications manually, since the program only takes into accountthe risk factor with the highest sequence number. Output The program resets the status of the risk factors that were transmitted(with errors) in a previous message to "to be sent to NPMI" (NRSF-CSTAT<> SPACE). If the data is free of errors the system immediately creates a newdispatch order from which the message is created. If the data stillcontains errors, you have to manually modify it using the transactionfor maintaining risk information, before releasing it manually. The information in program RNC301U2 tells you if the message hasactually been transmitted. Example A message containing risk factors RF1, RF3 and RF4 was transmitted forpatient S123456789 on February 1, 2000. However, the physicianspecification was missing for RF1. In the meantime, the physician hasbeen entered for RF1, RF3 has been deleted, and RF5 added. This program would send RF1, RF3, and RF5 as change messages to NPMI,and R4 as a deletion message. Without program RNUCNPMC, RF3 would not have been sent, since RF3 wouldhave been considered to have already been transmitted. |