Description This auxiliary program enables you to flag cases, which occurredrelatively far back in time, as closed for dailyrevenue accrual> (technical name: RNAACP00). If you want to make use the RNAACP00 program to carry out revenueaccrual for final billed cases, the system must essentially read all ofthe cases in the database and for each case check whether revenueaccrual is necessary or not. Since this check is relativelytime-consuming, it can result in extensive run times. To prevent this,you can use this program to flag cases that occurred relatively farback in time as closed for revenue accrual. To do this, specify your institution and the earliest date for whichyou want to carry out revenue accrual for final billed cases. Theprogram then flags all of final billed cases, which do not have aninvoice with a billing date after then specified key date, as closedfor revenue accrual; they are also excluded from subsequent revenueaccrual runs. You must run the program once only.Output The program issues a message informing you of the number of casesprocessed. |