Purpose This program cancels one or more invoices for external order numbers. Prerequisites When making a selection using the external order number, you shouldrestrict the corresponding area as far as possible. This improvesperformance, since the program also first performs an order selection ifyou enter additional document numbers. Features Dummy row for displaying the header Selection
- You can use the Execute Without Dialog> field on the selection
screen to define whether the system is to update the cancellationsimmediately (for instance during batch processing), or whether afollow-on screen for subsequent processing is to be displayed.
- Use the error list to check whether the system has not canceled all
follow-on invoices due to lock errors. These must then be canceledsubsequently to avoid the creation of gaps.
- By making an entry in the Date of Cancellation Document> field,
you can define the billing date of the cancellation. If you do not makeany entry here, or the date you enter is earlier than the billing datefor the invoice, the program uses the billing date for the invoice.
- If invoices have already been cleared in Financial Accounting, the
program also displays the associated clearing date here.
- You can instruct the system to print the cancellations generated
directly after displaying them. The program selects these, and proposesthem in an additional list that is sorted by order number. Acorresponding parameter is available on the selection screen and areference appears in the first list of invoices.
- If you want the system to archive the cancellations automatically during
form printing, select the field Single Print Control>. Check thatthe Test Print> field is not selected, since the system onlyperforms archiving during a live print. Note that the system only archives cancellations if you have activatedthe corresponding invoice form for archiving in the IS-HImplementation Guide>.
- You can use the Billing Date> (time of transfer to Financial
Accounting or the posting date) or the Invoice Creation Date>(time of billing document creation) to make additional restrictionsduring the invoice selection
- Cancellation and collective invoice with document number
If the system is to cancel a single invoice that is assigned to acollective invoice with a document number, the following control optionis available: The system can delete the assignment to a collective invoice during afull cancellation and a partial cancellation, which leads to a fullcancellation (since the remaining invoice items have already beencancelled) from the invoice header and the FI document. You can definethis accordingly in the Maintain Billing Parameters> section ofthe IS-H Implementation Guide>.
- Processing follow-on invoices
In certain situations, the system may also display and cancel an invoicethat you did not previously select. This is a result of the follow-oncancellation logic to avoid creating gaps during billing. If you access the cancellation in dialog processing or from invoiceprocessing, the system displays all invoices to be canceled. You candeselect invoices that you selected to be canceled at this stage. Thesystem also displays the follow-on invoices here. However, you cannotdeselect these invoices, They are defined by the character "->" at thestart of the row. However, if you do deselect an invoice, the systemautomatically removes the associated follow-on invoices from thecancellation. Use the error list displayed to check whether the system has not alsocancelled all follow-on invoices due to lock problems. These must then b e canceled subsequently to avoid the creation of gaps.
- Note for R/2 Systems:
If your Financial Accounting application is running in an R/2 System,the additional checkbox field R2/RF: Immediate Update> field isdisplayed on the selection screen. If you select this option, the system immediately transfers thecorresponding invoice numbers to RF, returns the document numbersassigned there and updates the billing document header accordingly. Ifno communication problems occur, this means that following the billingrun, entries are made in all invoice fields as if the FinancialAccounting application was found in the SAP System. If you do not select this option, document numbers for FinancialAccounting must be obtained from the R/2 RF System using a separateprogram (report RNACRF00) and the billing document header updatedaccordingly. Note the following: If your Financial Accounting application is to runin an R/2 System, you must make a series of settings for communicationbetween these systems. For more information about these settings, seethe IS-H Implementation Guide>.
Output If the system is not to perform an immediate update. a list of documentsto be canceled appears, which is sorted by order numbers, insuranceproviders and document numbers. If you deselect the wildcard characterin the first column, the system does not cancel individual invoices,although you must observe the relevance to follow-on invoices here. Thesystem can then either cancel them immediately or check the cancellationin a test run first.