Description The report creates the S 4 statistics - department figures thatare required according to the federal regulation for hospitals(Germany). Precondition INCLUDE ISH_STAT_SELEKTIONSBILD OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E INCLUDE ISH_STAT_FALLARTEN OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E If you want the movements that are assigned for nursing to anorganizational unit with intensive care indicators to be assigned tothe department "intensive care medicine", then choose the option inquestion. Output Such departments are only output where at least one of therequired figures also ocurred. The figures of the organizationalunits belonging to a department are then output if they differ fromthe numbers of the entire department. Bed capacity figures Bed capacity figures are always average values. INCLUDE ISH_STAT_BETTENZAHLEN OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E INCLUDE ISH_STAT_BETTENZAHLEN_FACHR OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E The following bed capacity figures are output for each department/ organizational unit: the total number of planned beds, the total number of set up beds as well as the number of set up intensive care beds. Patient census figures Which department the movement of a case is assigned to, depends onthe department of the organizational unit that the movement isdepartmentally assigned to according to the federal regulation forhospitals (Germany). INCLUDE ISH_STAT_NEUGEB_BEGLPERSONEN OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E INCLUDE ISH_STAT_PFLEGETAGE OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E Rate of capacity utilization of the beds The rate of capacity utilization of the set up beds results fromthe following formula: Rate of capacity utilization = patient days ----------------------------------------------- number of beds * number of days analysis period The number of cases of a department / organizational unit resultsfrom the arithmetic mean of the arrivals and departures in thedepartment / organizational unit. On institution level, arrivals are admissions into the hospital(including admissions from external hospitals) and departures aredischarges from the hospital ( including deaths and transfers toexternal hospitals). Arrivals + departures Number of cases = --------------------- 2 Retention period The average retention period in a department / organizational unitis the quotient of the patient days and number of cases of thedepartment / organizational unit. Patient days average retention period = --------------- Number of cases INCLUDE ISH_STAT_PROTOKOLL OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E |