Description Report RNSMNS01 creates patient census statistics ("midnight censusstatistics") for any organizational entities of an institution. Precondition INCLUDE ISH_STAT_SELEKTIONSBILD OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E In the IS-H System, every movement is assigned to an organizationalunit both departmentally and for nursing. You can enter whichdepartmental or nursing organizational units are to be evaluated in theselection screen. The following entries are possible: Neither a departmental organizational unit nor a nursing organizationalunit is entered for evaluation. The entire institution is then evaluated. Only departmental organizational units are entered. All movements that are departmentally assigned to these organizationalunits are then evaluated. Only nursing organizational units are entered. Only movements that are assigned for nursing to these organizationalunits are evaluated. Both departmental and nursing organizational units are entered. This looks at all movements where the combination of departmental andnursing organizational units is within the chosen selection. The evaluation criterion is important for determining from which "view"the statistics are created. Example The surgery department is entered as a departmental organizationalunit; the entry of the nursing organizational unit is masked with '*'.The aspect of the evaluation should be departmental. For this constellation, the system looks at all movements that aredepartmentally assigned to this surgery department and assigned fornursing to any organizational unit (this has nothing to do with theaspect of the evaluation). The statistics are then created from the point of view of thesurgery department (due to the departmental aspect). The questionhere is:Where are the patients of the surgery department nursed? When selecting the nursing aspect, the corresponding question is:Where do the patients, who are actually assigned to the selectednursing organizational unit (organizational units) for nursing, comefrom; which departmental organizational units are they assigned to ? This question is certainly interesting, for example for nursestations that are typically inter-departmental or for intensive careunits. Selecting an aspect also determines whether the movement isassigned departmentally or for nursing to the superordinateorganizational units. Example The following hierarchy is valid: Clinic Surgery | Department Neurosurgery | Nurse station 1 When selecting the departmental aspect, all movements that aredepartmentally assigned to neurosurgery, are also assigned to theclinic surgery. The view of where these patients are nursed is thenalso possible from here. Movements that are assigned to nurse station 1 for nursing are not"counted" in this case, but are if the nursing aspect was chosen.Here, again, we can ask: To which department do the patients belong,who are assigned to the clinic surgery for nursing (not in themovement but via the hierarchy). INCLUDE 'ISH_STAT_FALLARTEN_ALLGEMEIN' OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E INCLUDE 'ISH_STAT_GESCHLECHT' OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E If you would also like to view the figures for the subordinateorganizational units for an organizational unit, you just have tomark the corresponding checkbox in the selection screen. However,this always only applies to the organizational units whose aspectyou choose. Output INCLUDE ISH_STAT_NEUGEB_BEGLPERSONEN OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E Outpatient visits and absence times are ignored. The following is output for each combination of departmental andnursing organizational unit:
- The start count of cases
- the number of arrivals in-house
This number should always equal zero on institution level,otherwise cases exist with movements that have been interrupted.
- the number of arrivals of from outside, including
- the number of external transfers
- the number of total departures as well as divided into
- departures in-house
This number should always equal zero on institution level,otherwise cases exist with movements that have been interrupted.
- Outside departures, including
normal discharges external transfers expired patients
- the end count of cases
- the number of treated cases
A case is regarded as treated if at least one movement of the casewas assigned to the combination of departmental and nursingfor each organizational unit.
- the number of patient days
Patient days are counted by midnight patient censuses. If themovement of a case is ended at 24:00 hours, then a patient day iscalculated. However, a patient day is not calculated for movementswhich start at 24:00 hours because the previous movement which endedat 24:00 hours was already assigned a patient day. The start of themovement is then set to 00:00 hours the following day.
- The number of billing days.
The billing days are calculated as specified in the federalregulation for hospitals (Germany) §9 section 2.3. Thus billing daysto first and foremost patient days. The admission and discharge daysare each regarded as one day unless the case was completed in lessthan 24 hours and was present in the hospital at midnight, or thecase was transferred to an external hospital after being present inthe hospital once at midnight.
- the number of 24-hour cases that are discharged but not externally
transferred with a patient day
- the number of 24-hour cases that are discharged but not externally
transferred without a patient day
- the number of 24-hour that are externally transferred with a
patient day
- the number of 24-hour cases that are externally transferred