Description The RNSMNS02 program creates occupancy statistics ("midnight censusstatistics) for any organizational units of an institution in rowformat. In this row version of the evaluation, the columns of the"normal" midnight census statistics (the RNSMNS01 program) arerepresented in rows. For more information, refer to the documentation on theRNSMNS01> program.Precondition The following additional selection criteria are available to you: The New page on change of departmental org. unit> and Newpage on change of nursing org. unit> options enable you to createpage breaks and thus optimize the clarity of the output.Note The row version RNSMNS02 program also outputs the total number ofarrivals and the case figures. With regard to the number of cases, youshould note that the number of cases for the complete hospital areoutput when you run the evaluation in relation to an institution, andthe number of cases for the departments or care units when you run theprogram in relation to departments or care units. The totaleddepartmental and care unit cases is usually higher than the number ofcases calculated for the hospital evaluation. |