Description The RNSMNS01 program creates occupancy statistics ("midnight censusstatistics") for any organizational units of an institution. Precondition INCLUDE ISH_STAT_SELEKTIONSBILD OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E INCLUDE ISH_STAT_STATISTIKSPERRE OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E In the IS-H System, every movement has both a departmental and anursing assignment to an organizational unit. You can specify whichdepartmental or nursing organizational units are to be evaluated on theselection screen. The following entries are possible here: Neither a departmental organizational unit nor a nursing organizationalunit to be evaluated is entered. The entire institution is evaluated, and the figures are output in asingle (totals) row. Only departmental organizational units are entered. All movements that have a departmental assignment to theseorganizational units are evaluated. Only nursing organizational units are entered. Only movements that have a nursing assignment to these organizationalunits are evaluated. Departmental and nursing organizational units are entered. In this case, all movements with the selected combination ofdepartmental and nursing organizational units are evaluated. Note that there is a difference depending on whether you make no entryor enter an asterisk (*) in the departmental or nursing organizationalunit fields. If you enter an asterisk, the program displays the figuresfor each organizational unit and creates a totals row at the bottom ofthe evaluation report. If you do not make any specification, only thetotals row is output. You can control the view of the evaluation by means of theDepartmental> and Nursing> options. If you selectDepartmental>, the statistics are created from the perspective ofthe organizational units with a departmental assignment to a movement,and the totals rows are written for the departmental organizationalunits. If you select Nursing>, the statistics are created fromthe perspective of the organizational units with a nursing assignmentto a movement, and the totals rows are written for the nursingorganizational units. INCLUDE 'ISH_STAT_FALLARTEN_ALLGEMEIN' OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E INCLUDE 'ISH_STAT_GESCHLECHT' OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E You can stipulate whether the billing days of the patients arecalculated according to the old or new Federal Regulation for Hospitals(Bundespflegesatzverordnung (BPflV)). The old Federal Regulation forHospitals is the default setting here. If you want to calculate billingdays according to BPflV 19995, select Billing days BPflV 1995>. Attention>: Billing days according to BPflV 1995 are calculatedon the basis of movements and not on the basis of services, as is thecase in the L1 and L3 statistics. For this reason it is perfectlypossible that the figures of the midnight census statistics do notmatch those of the L1 and L3 statistics. Absent patients are counted in the statistics in the Initialcount>, Final count> and the Patients treated> columns.This is justified by the fact that a bed had to be reserved for anabsent patient and cannot be occupied by someone else. In the case oflong-term patients (e.g. dialysis patients) who are represented usingabsences, this is, however, not correct. If a considerable number ofthe absences in your institution can be attributed to long-termpatients, you can run the evaluation such that absent patient are notincluded in the statistics. To do this, deselect Include absentpat. in count>. If you want to see the figures for the organizational units locatedbelow the specified organizational unit in the organizationalhierarchy, you simply need to select Lower-level OUs>. The OU short text> option enables you to control whether theshort text or the unique key of the organizational unit is displayed.Output Companions and newborns INCLUDE ISH_STAT_NEUGEB_BEGLPERSONEN OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE E Two totals rows are always output: The first one is the simple total of the figures above it. The second total - known as the 'adjusted total' - is a total for whichinternal activities within the organizational units above it are nottaken into account. Example The internal transfers between two care units of the same departmentare added together in the first total, but not in the second. The sameapplies to the number of cases treated. (A case which was on two careunits of the same department is counted for both care units but onlyonce for the department). The following data is output for each combination of departmental andnursing organizational units:
- The start count for cases
- The number of arrivals within the hospital (this number should always
be zero on institution level, otherwise cases exist whose movements areinterrupted)
- The number of arrivals from outside of the hospital, including
- The number of arrivals from external transfers
- The total number of departures, further classified by
- Departures within the hospital (this number should always be zero on
institution level, otherwise cases exist whose movements areinterrupted)
- Departures outside of the hospital, including
Normal discharges External transfers Deceased patients
- The end count for cases
- The number of cases treated (a case is regarded as treated if at least
one movement of the case was assigned to the combination ofdepartmental and nursing organizational units to be evaluated; eachcase is only counted once for each organizational unit)
- The number of patient days (patient days are counted according to
midnight patient censuses; if the movement of a case is ended atexactly midnight (24:00) one patient day is calculated; however, nopatient day is calculated for movements which start at exactly midnight(24:00), because a patient day was already assigned to the previousmovement which was ended at exactly midnight (24:00). The start of themovement is then set to 00:00 on the following day.).
- The number of billing days (
- The number of discharged cases lasting less than 24 hours and not
transferred to an external facility with patient day
- The number of discharged cases lasting less than 24 hours and not
transferred externally without patient day
- The number of cases lasting less than 24 hours and transferred to an
external facility with patient day
- The number of cases lasting less than 24 hours and transferred to an
external facility without patient day INCLUDE ISH_STAT_PROTOKOLL OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE ENote The row version of the RNSMNS01 program also outputs the total numberof arrivals and the case figures. With regard to the number of cases,you should note that the number of cases for the complete hospital areoutput when you run the evaluation in relation to an institution, andthe number of cases for the departments or care units when you run theprogram in relation to departments or care units. The totaleddepartmental and care unit cases is usually higher than the number ofcases calculated for the hospital evaluation.