Description The program creates the L1 - Patient Census Statistics of the Hospitalrequired by the Federal Regulation for Hospitals in Germany(Bundespflegesatzverordnung 1995). Precondition INCLUDE ISH_STAT_SELEKTIONSBILD OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE ISH_STAT_FALLPROTOKOLL OBJECT DOKU ID TX Case logging in the L1 statistics is available for the Days notcovered by flat rate per case>, Days covered by flat rates percase>, Admissions> and Discharges> rows. INCLUDE ISH_STAT_STATISTIKSPERRE OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE ISH_STAT_FALLNUMMERN OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE ISH_STAT_AUSLANDSFAELLE OBJECT DOKU ID TX If, when the maximum length of stay covered by a flat rate is reached,a discharge from the flat rate area and an admission into the budgetarea (days not covered by flat rate per case) is to be counted, selectCount case when max. LOS reached>. Refer to the F1 fielddocumentation. If the statistical figures are to be output in a separate Actualfigures> column, select Output figures in separate column>.Also refer to the corresponding fielddocumentation>. INCLUDE ISH_STAT_5AENDVO OBJECT DOKU ID TXCompanions and newborns INCLUDE ISH_STAT_NEUGEB_BEGLPERSONEN OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN Billing days and days covered by flat rate per case The billing days in the budget patient area (days not covered by flatrate per case) and the days covered by flat rate per case in the flatrate area are calculated on the basis of service periods and not on thebasis of movements. This contrasts with the calculation logic employedby other IS-H statistical evaluations (e.g. midnight census statisticsand occupancy statistics of the old BPflV) where billing days arecalculated on the basis of movement periods. This excludes anycomparison with the billing days of the 'old' statistics. Days covered by flat rate per case in day patient cases are notcalculated before IS-H Release 4.01A. As of IS-H Release 4.01A, dayscovered by flat rate per case for flat rate cases are output forday hospital> cases if the "day hospital"> indicator is setfor the corresponding admission type.Output The output corresponds to the BPflV 1995 - L1 Statistics form incompliance with the Service and Costing Statement (LKA - Germany). The Agreement for the current nursing charge period> column isnot filled the first year the program is run. In subsequent years, youmust enter the figures from the Agreement> column of the LKA ofthe previous year here. The figures of the respective rows for the evaluation period orcomparison period are output in the Request for the nursing chargeperiod>, if you did not select Output figures in separate column >. If this option is selected, the figures are output in theActual figures> column. The Agreement for the nursing charge period> column is not filledby the hospital. The following rows are output:
- Planned beds w/o intensive care>
The planned beds are determined from the entries in the statistical bedcapacity figures (Hospital -> Basic data administration -> Hospitalstructure -> Org. structure -> Statistical beds>, Total plannedbeds> field).
- Planned beds with intensive care>
The intensive care beds are determined using the intensive care indicator of the specialty of the departmental organizational unit to which the planned bed capacity figures are assigned. The planned bed capacity figures for intensive care medecine are added to the number in the Planned beds w/o intensive care> row and output as Planned beds with intensive care>. The number of planned beds without intensive care> plus thenumber of intensive care beds is output in this row. An intensive carebed is a planned bed within the statistical bed capacity figures thatis assigned to a departmental or nursing organizational unit or to aspecialty for which the intensive care indicator is set. (Hospital-> Basic data administration -> Hospital structure -> Org. structure ->Statistical beds>, Total planned beds> field).
- Rate of use of planned beds>
The rate of use is calculated by dividing the sum of the billing daysin the budget patient area and the days covered by flat rate per casein the flat rate area by the product of the planned bed capacityfigures with intensive care and of the number of days in the evaluationor comparison period. Billing days in the budget area + days covered by FR in FR area ---------------------------------------------------------------- Planned beds with intensive care * number of days
- Days not covered by FR/case> (billing days in budget patient
area) Billing days are calculated under §14 sections 2 and 7 BPflV 1995. Two attributes of a case are relevant for outputting the billing days:the patient's length of stay and service period. The length of staythat is determined using the inpatient movements of a case decideswhether billing days are determined for a case. The patient's stay mustbe completely or partially contained in the evaluation period orcomparison period. The actual calculation is made using the serviceperiods in which only services of the charge type general nursingcharge (10>), departmental per diem charge (12> and 13 >) and day patient nursing charge (14>) are considered. Theprogram only outputs the billing days occurring within the evaluationperiod or the comparison period. including BD for patients with PS> This column contains the portion of billing days for which a discounton the departmental per diem charge is calculated on the basis of asurgical and general procedures surcharge (charge type 20> and21>). including BD for day patients> This column contains the portion of billing days that was calculatedfor day patients.
- Length of stay>
The length of stay is calculated by dividing the number of inpatientbilling days in the budget patient area by the number of inpatientcases BD in budget patient area - BD for day patients ------------------------------------------------ (Full) inpatient cases
- Days covered by flat rates per case>
Days covered by flat rate per case are calculated in the same way asthe billing days. Here, however, the maximum length of stay pertainingto services of the charge type flat rate per case (30>) is usedin place of the service period. When the maximum length of stay coveredby a flat rate per case is reached, the interval as of this limit inthe Days not covered by flat rate per case> row is charged foronly inasmuch as the interval is covered by a general nursing charge ( 10>), a departmental per diem charge (12> and 13>) ora day patient nursing charge (14>).
- Admissions>
Admissions include all patients who are admitted for inpatienttreatment. If a flat rate patient reaches the maximum length of stay(max. LOS) covered by the flat rate, the evaluation only counts anadmission (into the budget patient area) if Count case when max.LOS reached> is selected (for more information, refer to the F1 fieldhelp). Day patient admissions are not included in this count.
- Discharges>
Discharges include all departures of patients who are transferred intoan external facility at the end of an inpatient stay or who aredeceased in the hospital. If a flat rate patient reaches the maximumlength of stay (max. LOS) covered by the flat rate, the evaluation onlycounts a discharge (from the flat rate area) if Count case whenmax. LOS> is selected (for more information, refer to the FI fieldhelp). Day patient discharges are not included in this count. including transfers to ext. hospitals> The number of discharges to external facilities from the sum total ofdischarges is output here. These are discharges of the discharge typeDischarge into ext. hospital>.
- Cases with pre-adm. treatment only>
This is the number of cases that despite pre-admission treatment do nothave an inpatient admission. In the IS-H System these are outpatientcases or inpatient cases with planned admission with at least one visitof the visit type pre-admission visit>. This row also includescases whose inpatient admission occurs outside of the statisticalevaluation period, but whose pre-admission visit occurs inside theperiod (e.g. visit in old year, inpatient admission in new year).
- Inpatient cases w/o flat rate per case>
The inpatient cases in the budget patient area are calculated asfollows: Admissions + Discharges ------------------------ 2 Admissions and discharges (within the max. LOS) of flat rate patientsare not taken into account here. Admissions, which are counted owing tothe maximum length of stay (max. LOS) of a flat rate per case patientbeing reached, are included in this row. including: short-stay patients> Short-stay patients are patients who are hospitalized for up to andincluding three billing days. Here the relevant billing days are thoseof the complete stay and not those within the evaluation period orcomparison period. including those with pre-adm. treatm.> The number of inpatient cases with pre-admission treatment are outputseparately here. In the IS-H System, a pre-admission treatment isdetermined by an inpatient case having at least one visit of the visittype pre-admission treatment>. including those with post-dis. treatm.> The number of inpatient cases with post-discharge treatment are outputseparately here. In the IS-H System, a post-discharge case isdetermined by an inpatient case having at least a visit of the visittype post-discharge treatment>. incld. those with day patient treatm.> (5th amendment) The number of inpatient cases with additional day patient treatment areoutput separately here. In the IS-H System, an additional day patienttreatment is determined by the inpatient case being assigned to a daypatient case (case-to-case assignment with internal function 6>(parallel day patient case).
- Day patient cases w/o FR>
The day patient cases are calculated as follows: Day patient admissions + day patient discharges ------------------------------------------------------ 2 Day patient admissions and discharges here also include a day patientstay that extends from one quarter into the next, where the dischargeat the end of one quarter (e.g. 06/30) and the admission at the startof the next quarter (07/01) is counted. Day patient cases that are assigned to an inpatient case using acase-to-case assignment with the internal function 6> (parallelday patient case) are not counted here.
- Cases with flat rates per case>
The number of cases of flat rate patients is calculated as follows: Admissions + discharges ------------------------ 2 Only the admissions and discharges (within the max. LOS) of flat ratepatients are taken into account here (patients with a service of thecharge type flat rate per case (30>)). Discharges that arecounted as the result of the maximum length of stay (max. LOS) of aflat rate patient being exceeded are not included in this row. incld. max. length of stay exceeded> (5th amendment) If a patient reaches the maximum length of stay covered by the flatrate a case is counted in this row. As of the day when the max. LOS isreached, the billing days are included in the Days not covered byflat rate per case> row. However, there is no additional budget case. INCLUDE ISH_STAT_PROTOKOLL OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN