Description Report RNSL101 creates the statistics L1 - Diagnosis Statistics orstatistics L4 - Diagnosis Statistics as required by the FederalRegulation for Hospitals (Germany). Precondition INCLUDE 'ISH_STAT_SELEKTIONSBILD' OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE 'ISH_STAT_STATISTIKSPERRE' OBJECT DOKU ID TX If you only want certain diagnoses to be output, enter this here.However, the restriction is only made after the hospital or specialtymain diagnosis has been determined. Therefore, this only improvessystem performance slightly. IF 1 EQ 0 If you select Reference diagnosis coding for statistics>, you cancreate statistics for a certain diagnosis catalog. If you enter acatalog here, only diagnosis from this catalog are used for thestatistics. Note that you receive different error messages if, e.g.,the departmental main diagnosis is not coded in the catalog entered. ENDIF Search sequence for diagnosis:
- Diagnosis relevant for statistics
- Diagnosis 1
- Diagnosis 2
If you select Evaluation for all catalogs>, you can creatediagnosis statistics for time periods in which more than one statisticscatalog is valid. The catalog is determined when the case istransferred from a department or discharged from the hospital. You mustalso select these evaluation variants if the changeover from catalogICD-9 to ICD-10 was within the evaluation period. INCLUDE ISH_STAT_FALLNUMMERN OBJECT DOKU ID TX If you select Without foreign cases>, you can exclude foreigncases from the statistics. Refer to the documentation for this field. If you start the statistics as hospital-related, then hospital maindiagnosis are evaluated, if you start it as specialty-related, thenspecialty main diagnosis are evaluated. The statistics require the patients to be divided into different agegroups. (Go to Customizing for IS-H, Information Systems -> StatisticsStructure -> Define Age Grouping>. Age group classification for statistics> INCLUDE 'ISH_STAT_FALLARTEN' OBJECT DOKU ID TX Select Lower-level specialties> to view the lower-levelspecialties (hierarchy maintenance in Customizing for IS-H, underHospital Basic Data -> Hospital Structure -> Organizational Structure-> Maintain Specialty Hierarchy and select the corresponding option.You can also display the departmental OUs belonging to the selectedspecialties. INCLUDE 'ISH_STAT_MEDRUC' OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE ENOutput Depending on whether you have started the statistics as hospital orspecialty related, either hospital or specialty main diagnosis areoutpit. In the L1 Diagnosis Statistics (RNSL101), movements assigned tointensive care medicine via the departmental organizational unit areassigned to the transferring departmental organizational unit - ifavailable - or the admitting departmental organizational unit - ifavailable. (A movement is always assigned to intensive care medicine ifthe specialty has an intensive care indicator or, if no specialty isavailable, the departmental organizational unit has an intensive careindicator.) In the L4 - Departmental Statistics (RNSL402), you use Displayintensive care stays for transferring specialty> to control howfigures for intensive care are to be evaluated. Do not select thisoption if you want the figures from the intensive care specialty to beincluded in the statistics. The figures are then output directly forintensive care. Note that specialties allowing for beds are onlycounted as one> case if the patient is returned to the specialtyhe/she was in before being transferred to intensive care.Determining the specialty/department main diagnoses For every department stay of a case, one diagnosis must be flagged as adepartment main diagnosis. These diagnoses are evaluated by thestatistics. For specialties and organizational units, the diagnosis which refers tothe longest stay in a department is used as the department maindiagnosis. If the length of stay of two diagnoses is identical, the onewith the later diagnosis date is chosen. If this is also identical, thediagnosis which refers to a later movement is chosen. If a diagnosis has no creation date (not to be confused with the entryor change date), this is then set to the start of the movement to whichthe diagnosis refers. Determining hospital main diagnoses When entering of the diagnoses of a case, you can enter whether it is ahospital main diagnosis. The corresponding indicator is evaluated bythe statistics. If no diagnosis of a case is characterized as a hospital maindiagnosis, this is chosen using the same procedure as for determiningthe department main diagnoses. Determining the surgeries or patients who have had surgery The number of surgeries or patients who have undergone surgery isdetermined from the surgery specification in diagnosis maintenance.When the program evaluates the complete hospital, it takes into accountnot only the specification for the hospital main diagnosis itself butalso the specification for other diagnoses of the case with the code ofthe hospital main diagnosis. The main diagnoses of the patients discharged from thespecialty/department or institution are output for eachspecialty/department or the entire institution, sorted by age groups. The following is output for each diagnosis:
- The number of cases = number of cases discharged from the
- The average length of stay = patient days / number of cases (L1) or
billing days + days covered by flat rate per case / number of patientsdischarged (L4).
- The number of surgeries related to the diagnosis (L1) or the number of
patients operated related to the diagnosis (L4). Note regarding evaluation for all catalogs: Diagnoses with the samekeys from different catalogs are not cumulated. Diagnosis '100' fromcatalog '01' and '100' from catalog '02' are treated as seperatediagnoses. INCLUDE 'ISH_STAT_MEDRUC_BELEG' OBJECT DOKU ID TX