Description This program creates a list of
- Referring hospitals (inpatient)
- Post-discharge hospitals
- Referring hospitals for outpatient visits.
Precondition You can choose to restrict the evaluation to specific hospitals, ororganizational units concerned. If you do not make specifications inthese fields, the program will take all hospitals and organizationalunits into account. The organizational unit specification always refersto the departmental or nursing/treatment organizational unit atadmission or discharge, or for the outpatient visit. The evaluation period specification in turn refers to the date of theadmission, discharge or outpatient visit. You must specify an output layout. Output The program outputs a list of hospitals which match your selectioncriteria further classified by organizational units. The number of hitsis displayed at each level. By choosing the sort function, you can either switch the referenceobject for the sort operation from hospital to organizational unit orsort in ascending or descending order within a display. You can display a list of the cases concerned by choosing Details > on each output line.