Description This program enables you to collectively print appointment notificationsrelating to visit scheduling. Precondition Collective print only evaluates those appointments, for which you setthe Notification Desired> indicator when creating or modifyingthem and which have still to be printed. The following settings are necessary in Customizing for IS-H: The event APPPRT must be defined under Basic Settings ->Configuration/Systems/Events -> DisplayDefined Events>>. The work organizer type APPR_DAT must be assigned to the function moduleISH_PRINT_APP_DA under Tools -> Work Organizer Management -> WorkOrganizer Types -> Display Keys/ Texts>>. The event APPPRT must be assigned to the work organizer type PPR_DATunder Tools -> Work Organizer Management -> Work Organizer Types -> Assign Events to Work Organizer Types(SAP Preset Values)>>. The event APPPRT must be assigned to the work organizer type APPR_DATunder Tools -> Work Organizer Management -> Work Organizer Types ->Assign Events to Work Organizer Types(Customer)>>. The Standard Print> indicator must be set. The work organizer BENACHR must be assigned to the work organizer typeAPPR_DAT under Tools -> Work Organizer Management -> Work Organizers-> Maintain Keys/Texts>>. You must have made the following settings under Tools -> WorkOrganizer Management -> Work Organizers -> Configure Unconditioned Output Control >>: Define the work organizer BENACHR. Assign a form to this work organizer. You must select the Standard> control indicator.Output The program creates a list of appointment notifications. You can tailorthis list to satisfy your requirements using the editing functions ofthe SAP List Viewer (ALV). The list contains all appointments or the dates of the appointments ofwhich patients were most recently notified that occur within theevaluation period and that satisfy your selection criteria. This list issorted in chronological order. The program only takes into accountappointments for patients for whom a master record was created in thesystem, since only then is an address available. Besides the appointment data, a system message relating to the printstatus is output for each appointment. The following messages can beoutput:
- Appointment notification successfully printed.
- Form print terminated.
- Errors during print.
- Appt notification not printed.
- Test print done.
If appointments for a patient satisfy these criteria, all the patient'sfuture appointments with respect to the current date are output as well.This optimizes communication with the patient who is reminded of futureappointments while being informed of re-scheduled or new appointments. The processing mode selected determines further program behavior:
- If you did not set the Test Mode> indicator:
Appointment notifications are printed (always irrespective of whetheryou selected With Form Print> or Without Form Print>) Notification indicator is reset Printed appointment records are logged in the table NFOR
- If you set the Test Mode> and With Form Print> indicators:
Appointment notifications are printed Printed appointment records are not logged in the table NFOR Notification indicator is not reset
- If you set the Test Mode> and Without Form Print>
indicators: Appointment notifications are not printed Printed appointment records are not logged in the table NFOR Notification indicator is not reset