Description The RNPPENDL program creates the patient traffic lists for care unitsof an institution. The patient traffic list is used for enteringpatient movements. It is created for a specified key date and reflectsthe occupancy of a care unit on this key date. Precondition It is necessary to enter the institution and a key date (date, time),this is defaulted with the system date and time. If you only want to output the patient traffic list for specific careunits, you can specify the particular departmental or nursingorganizational units. Inter-departmental care units are also taken intoaccount when selecting via departmental organizational units. If no restriction of the departmental and nursing organizational unitis made, the patient traffic lists are generated for all care units ofthe institution. If you maintained rooms and bed locations for your care unit, only thepatients for which a room/bed assignment is maintained are listed inthe patient movement list under 'Care unit occupancy'. The patientswithout room/bed assignment appear under 'Arrivals on care unit'. If you select 'Do not include room/bed assignment', all patients whoare assigned to a care unit on a key date are listed in the patienttraffic list under 'Care unit occupancy'. Thus, it is no longer takeninto account whether rooms and bed locations are also assigned to thepatients of a care unit for which rooms and bed locations aremaintained. Output A patient movement list is output for every selected care unit. Theoutput is divided for each care unit into the care unit occupancy listand the list of arrivals on the care unit. |