Description This program checks the organizational hierarchy to ensure that theassignments of organizational units to each other and to building unitsis consistent. If no errors are detected for an organizational unitwhen the check is run, the 'release' indicator is set in the masterdata for this organizational unit. This release indicator means thatthe organizational unit can be used by IS-H functions (assigned withina movement, entering services, and so on). Precondition You must specify an institution on the selection screen. If you flag the Test mode> checkbox, the program only outputs alog. No release indicators are set for any organizational units. If you run the program in test mode, you can specify the informationthat you want to check:
- If you flag the Organizational hierarchy> checkbox, the
hierarchical relationships between the various organizational units arechecked.
- If you flag the Inter-departmental bed assignment> checkbox, the
bi-directional inter-departmental relationships between organizationalunits.
- If you flag the Building unit assignment> checkbox, the
hierarchical relationships between the organizational units andbuilding units are checked.
- You can only flag the Process organizational hierarchy> checkbox
if you use IS-H*MED. For detailed information on this checkbox, referto the IS-H*MED documentation. If you run the program in production (live) mode, you must flag allthese checkboxes to ensure that all the necessary reports are includedin the check.Output The program outputs a log containing messages for each of thecheckboxes flagged on the selection screen. This log can containwarnings (W>) and error messages (E>):
- Warnings do not mean that the release indicator cannot be set. They do,
however, mean that something has been detected which you should check.
- Error messages mean that the organizational unit in question cannot be
released. You should check the organizational units mentioned in theerror message texts, and correct the errors first. At the end of the log, you will see the total number of organizationalunits that were released, and the total number of organizational unitsthat were not released.