Description This program enables you to create worklists containing patientmovements (admissions, transfers, and visits) for which medical recordsmust be borrowed. For this purpose, the program accesses data pertainingto the borrowing of medical records that was recorded by the system whenthe patient was admitted or transferred, or when a visit was created. The worklist contains functions for borrowing medical records for thepatients listed. The system deletes patients, for whom you have alreadyborrowed a medical record using collective processing, from the list. Precondition The data pertaining to the borrowing of medical records is recorded bythe system when a patient movement is entered and is available for thisevaluation only if you have made the relevant settings in Customizingunder Set OU-Related Parameters for Medical Record Management>. For further information about this, see Medical/NursingDocumentation -> Medical Record Management ->> Set OU-Related Parameters for MedicalRecord Management>> in the IS-H Implementation Guide>.Output The program generates worklists containing movements that are relevantfor the borrowing of medical records. By entering a layout> youcan call this list with a custom-tailored layout. The followinginformation can be stored in a layout:
- Columns included in the list
- Sort criteria
- Filter conditions