Description This program enables you to create a worklist for the temporary medicalrecord organization which facilitates the return of temporary medicalrecords to permanent records. If you are using the temporary medical record organization, the nursingdocuments pertaining to the patient's stay are kept in the temporarymedical record. When the temporary record is returned to the archive,the decision is made whether to incorporate the documents in an existingmedical record, or whether to create a new medical record. To facilitatethis activity, you can have this program create a worklist containingthe temporary medical records returned to the archive. According to theform of medical record organization defined for the dischargingorganizational unit (OU) or for the OU on which the last visit tookplace, one of the following activities is output for each temporarymedical record in the Activity> column.
- Create medical record
A new medical record is to be created for the patient. To execute thefunction, select the relevant row and choose Edit -> Create MedicalRecord>. When you have created the medical record, the system changesthe activity to Append Record>. The system displays the newmedical record in the Target Document> column.
- Append medical record
You want to append the content of the temporary medical record to anexisting medical record. After you have confirmed this operation bychoosing Edit -> Delete Temp. Medical Record>, the system deletesthe temporary medical record and no longer displays it in the list. Youcan only execute this function if a (permanent) medical record exists.If a (permanent) medical record does not exist, you first have to chooseCreate Medical Record>.
- Indeterminable
The patient has still to be discharged. Consequently the system cannotdetermine the appropriate activity. You can execute the functions described above directly from theworklist. After you choose Edit -> Delete Temp. Medical Record>,the system no longer displays the deleted temporary medical record inthe refreshed list.Precondition You must specify the institution and the evaluation period (returninterval). When compiling the worklist, the system only take into account medicalrecords that were created as temporary medical records. Moreover, onlythose temporary medical records that have been returned to the archivei.e. that have the status In the Archive>) are taken into account.Output The program displays all of the temporary medical records returnedwithin the evaluation period. From the worklist, you can execute the functions described above ( Edit -> Create Medical Record> and Edit -> Delete Temp.Medical Record>). By entering a layout> youcan call this list with a custom-tailored layout. The followinginformation can be stored in a layout:
- Columns included in the list
- Sort criteria
- Filter conditions