Description This report facilitates the transfer of medical records. It displays themedical records that have been borrowed. You can transfer selectedmedical records to the next borrower in a single processing step bychoosing Edit -> Transfer Medical Record>. To do this, select the medical records, which you wish to transfer, inborrowing list, and then choose Edit -> Transfer Medical Record>.Enter the next borrower in the Transfer Medical Record: BorrowingData> dialog box. Upon completion of this process, the system updatesthe list of borrowed medical records.Precondition The system only displays medical records with the status Borrowed>in the borrowing list. Depending on the borrower category entered, you can display the medicalrecords borrowed by an organizational unit or a person.Output The system displays all of the borrowed records for each patient. By entering a layout> youcan call this list with a custom-tailored layout. The following informa tion can be stored in a layout:
- Columns included in list
- Sort criteria
- Filter conditions