Description This program enables you to create reminders for borrowed medicalrecords that are overdue. Selection On the selection screen, you can restrict the medical records for whichyou want to create reminders.
- You can run this program in interactive or background processing mode.
- In interactive mode, the system first lists the medical records for
which reminders are to be created. From this list you can select andprint the reminders.
- By specifying a printer, you can override the settings in form control
or in your user profile. Other functions:Choose Form.../Standard Form> print options The Settings> menu in the list provides options that enable you tostipulate whether all of the medical record reminder forms defined inthe system are to be made available for form selection or whether thestandard reminder form should be used. Whether several reminder forms are defined in your system, or whetheronly one form is flagged as the standard form depends on the Customizingsettings for form control. Contact your system administrator, if necessary.Test Mode/Production Mode>: