Description This report enables you to evaluate thecase classifications> byinstitution and organizational unit. The system can output the caseclassifications using corresponding output types for an institution orfor the organizational units (OU) of an institution.Precondition You must specify an institution and an evaluation start date. If you specify an OU, the system takes into account all of thelower-level OUs in the organizational hierarchy. You can restrict the output by specifying appropriate selectionconditions. Output Depending on the output type selected, the system outputs the patientsand their case classifications by institution or by departmental ornursing/treatment OU. The output list is sorted alphabetically bypatient name. If you call the evaluation in dialog mode, you can sort the list by eachcolumn. The system outputs the movement-related validity periods of a caseclassification created by a treatment category, where possible, combinedin one validity period. The admission and discharge dates are output from the followingperspectives:
- For an inpatient case, the system outputs the admission date, and, when
entered, the discharge date.
- For an outpatient case, the system displays the date of the first visit
in the evaluation period as the admission date. It outputs the end dateof the case, when entered, as the discharge date.