Description With the RNPDIA00 program you can output per OU the patients for whomdiagnoses of a stipulated diagnosis type have still to be entered. Thedefault setting of the evaluation only takes patients into account whowere discharged in the evaluation period, unless you did not set theselection parameter 'Discharged patients only'. In addition to theevaluation of discharged patients, you can also output only patientswith a change of department. Precondition It is necessary to enter the institution and the evaluation start date.If no further selection conditions are entered, the discharged patientswith missing department main diagnoses are listed for allorganizational units of the institution. In addition, the evaluation can be made according to further diagnosistypes (admission diagnosis, discharge diagnosis, hospital maindiagnosis) by specifying evaluation variants. The possible evaluationvariants can be freely combined. Only the diagnosis types defined in the Customizing activity Setparameters for diagnosis documentation> are taken into account in theevaluation. Please note that healthy newborns and companions are not taken intoaccount in the evaluation. The program recognizes this type of patientby the admission type and excludes him/her from the evaluation. Byselecting the option Include healthy newborns>, you can preventthe exclusion of healthy newborns. Please also note that outpatient visits of an inpatient case are nottaken into account in the evaluation.Output For each output form, the diagnoses are output for each departmental ornursing/treatment organizational unit. Note that a missing admission diagnosis is only output for thedepartment or care unit to which the patient was admitted. A missing discharge or hospital main diagnosis is output for thedepartment or care unit from which the patient is discharged. A missing department main diagnosis is only output for the treatmentorganizational unit from which the patient is discharged or transferredto another department. If you selected the evaluation variant Cases with diagnosis freetext (no diagnosis code)>, the following points should be taken intoaccount with regard to the output:
- If you combined this evaluation variant with one or more of the other
variants, all cases with missing or non-coded diagnosis are output. Aseparate column is not output in the list for the evaluation optionCases with diagnosis free text (no diagnosis code)>.
- If you only selected Cases with diagnosis free text (no diagnosis
code>, all cases with the corresponding diagnosis are output.