Purpose This report enables you to transfer the costs of CO-relevant,case-related material consumptions to orders and simultaneously creditthe costs to the cost center that originally requested the material. Integration The report satisfies the following scenario: The pharmacy or central storage requests a material for anorganizational unit. When the goods issue is posted, the cost centerassigned to the organizational unit is debited with the goods deliverycosts. The case-related entry of material consumptions enables you, after theevent - in other words, when it's known for which case the material wasused - to debit the costs to the case's CO internal order and to creditthe requesting organizational unit accordingly. This report does not transfer the costs of materials that were directlyrequested for the case because the case-based order is correctly debitedwhen the goods issue posting is made. Prerequisites To enable transfer into CO, the following requirements must besatisfied:
- Activate internal activity allocation to case-based orders in the IMG
activity Maintain Basic Settings> for theintegration of IS-H with CO.
- Create a CO internal order for the cases.
Important:> The case-based orders must be CO internal orders thatcan be debited with real costs. The report does not verify whether theCO internal orders for the cases are merely statistical. If you workwith statistical case-based orders, you must not transfer the costs ofmaterial consumptions into CO.
- CO-relevant material consumptions must exist for cases. The prerequisite
for this is that the system is able to determine a material price otherthan 0 and a currency.
- You have to maintain the assignment of organizational units in IS-H to
cost centers in CO in the IMG activityAssign Cost Centers to OrganizationalUnits>.
- You have to maintain the valuation and account assignment settings in
Customizing for Materials Management (particularly the IMG activityConfigure Automatic Postings>) to enablethe system to determine the cost element for the CO posting.
- For the consumed material, you have to maintain the material master in
Materials Management. You cannot transfer costs for materials that youhave merely documented in free-text form.
- The material consumptions must not have already been transferred.
To execute this report, you need the report authorization for theauthorization group N_U_HCO. When transferring material consumptions, the system performs anauthorization check for the object N_NMAT_OE / activity 'Display'. Note that the respective cases are locked during the transfer process.For this reason, you should start the transfer at a time that does notimpair production operation.Selection The selection screen contains the following parameters in addition tothe required entry field Institution>:
- In the Settings> group box, you can use the Requesting Dept.
OU> and Requesting Nurs. OU> fields to restrict the transfer toa particular organizational unit.
- The Case> and Material> fields enable you to restrict the
transfer to a selection of cases or materials.
- If you select the Test Mode> indicator, the system does not
transfer the material consumptions into Controlling (CO), but simplycreates the various account assignments that you can list in the output.
- If you set the Transfer Order Quantity and Unit> indicator, the
order quantity and unit of the material consumption are transferredalso.
- In the Output> group box, you can specify a layout for the SAP
List Viewer (ALV). In addition to the standard ALV multilevel listoutput, you can select a tabular display for the list output. To dothis, select the Grid Output> indicator. Note that the layout you select must be compatible with the outputformat.Output The output list contains the successfully transferred materialconsumptions and their account assignments. At the bottom of the list,the system outputs the number of material consumptions that have beenimported and successfully transferred. If you set the Log> indicator, you can have the system output anyerror messages relating to non-transferred data records. If you execute the program in the background, the report appends theerror messages to the output list when you use the standard ALV output.If you use the tabular output, the report does not display the errormessages.