Description This program creates statistics on services performed (i.e. non-canceledactual services). The calculated figures are output in relation to the service code, theperforming organizational unit, the requesting departmental andrequesting nursing organizational units. Since the SAP List Viewer (ALV)functions are active for these statistics, you can to a large extenttailor the layout of the list to suit your own needs. Selection Screen Specify at least the Institution> and the Evaluation period >. If you want to compare the figures with another period, specify thecomparison period. The Data Selection> group lets you restrict the services to beevaluated in a variety of ways. You can define the restriction usingindividual service attributes or the affected organizational units. Inaddition, the Case type> field lets you restrict the evaluation toservices that were entered for cases of the specified case type. Pleasenote that the report ignores data on external orders only if they arerestricted to the case type "Outpatient". The fields Cases to beevaluated>, Selection indicator> and Org. unit to beevaluated> lets you evaluate only the services of particular cases(also of cases included in a case selection) or of particularorganizational units (for OU-related service entry). If you make anentry in the Visit type> field, the program only selects servicesthat are assigned to an outpatient visit with the visit type specified. INCLUDE ISH_EXTRACT_REP OBJECT DOKU ID TX In the Further specifications> group you can make specificationsconcerning the output of the statistics. If you make entries in the Service catalog for pricing> and...column> fields, the system determines the value of thespecified column for the evaluated services, and outputs this value. Ifyou do not enter the service catalog, the system uses the in-houseservice catalog. In the , you can also avail ofthe fields Column for Tax Points Technical Portion>, Columnfor Tax Points Medical Portion>, and Column for Tax Points TotalPortion>. Only billed services are used for the evaluation of thesefields. If you set the indicator IS-H CH: Number of ParticipantsRequired> in the service master for one of these services, theevaluated tax point is divided by the number of participants. Thisdivision applies also for the output values listed below ActualValue>, Bbl. value> and Nonbilled val.>. In the Target currency> field, you can specify t he currency into which the prices from the catalog and from the billingdata are to be translated. The default value is always the currency ofthe catalog specified. Note that in each case the individual prices ofeach service performed are translated and not the final amount straightaway. For this reason you must reckon with increased runtimes if youspecify a currency key different to the catalog currency here. If you flag the Take indiv. prices into act> option, the systemuses the price information stored with the service in service entry. Forexample, if an alternative price is stored for a service, the system nolonger uses the price stored in the service master record to valuate theservice, but the alternative price. In addition, the prices aremultiplied by the defined multiplication factors and the information formapping the service to another service or another catalog column istaken into account for pricing. If you flag the With billing info> option, the system determinesthe billed quantity and the billed price for each service. Finally you can choose the output form. If you select Output onlyfor compl.period>, the total values are output for the evaluation andthe comparison period. If you select Monthly output>, the data permonth in the evaluation period is determined and output. Please notethat for monthly output the evaluation period may only include a maximumof 12 months. For Daily output> the data is determined and outputseparately for each day in the evaluation period. For this output formthe evaluation period may include a maximum of 31 days. In the Layout> field, you can enter the name of a layout definedwith the SAP List Viewer. If you select Case log>, you can view information on the casesinvolved in the list. To do this, position the cursor on a quantity oramount field in the list and choose Goto -> Case log>. Note>: For OU-related services the case number field in thecase log remains empty.> The Print case log> option is only relevant for backgroundprocessing. If the field is selected, an additional spool requestincluding the whole case log is created. Using the Append Case Selection> option and the input field forspecifying the case selection, you can have all cases that were includedin the evaluation written to the specified case selection. The Act.qty> and Non-billed quantity> fields allow you to stipulate moreprecisely which cases are to be written to the case selection. If youselect Act. qty>, all cases that were included in the evaluationare appended to the case selection. These cases are displayed in thecase log of the Act.qty > field. If you select Non-billed qty>, only cases with at leastone service with a non-billed quantity greater than 0 are appended tothe case selection (case log for Non-billed qty> field in thelist). This option allows you find out about cases in a specific periodwith services that have not completely been billed for. If the caseselection you specify does not exist yet, the system creates it. If thecase selection already exists and contains cases, the cases are appendedto the case selection. No cases are removed from the case selection. Caution>: Depending on the selection criteria you specified andthe size of your service database, the runtime of this evaluation may beparticularly long and could have a negative impact on the performanceof your system. In this case, you should execute the program in thebackground.Output The following fields are available for the output of the list:
- Service>: Service code in the in-house service catalog
- Perf. OU>: Organizational unit performing the service
- R.deptOU>: Requesting departmental organizational unit
- Rq.nrsOU>: Requesting nursing organizational unit
- Service text>: Service short text from the service master record
- Ex>: Indicator whether the service is an extended service
- Crcy>: Currency of the billed amount
The following fields are available depending on the chosen output formonly for the total period, for each month or for each day in theevaluation period.
- Act.> (Abbr. 'A'): Actual quantity
- Act.value> (Abbr. 'AV'): Value of actual quantity
- BblQty> (Abbr. 'B'): Proportion of billable services in actual
- Bbl.value> (Abbr. 'BV'): Value of billable quantity
- BldQty> (Abbr. 'Bd'): Billed quantity
- Additional fields in country version CH (Switzerland)>:
B.TaxPoints Med.> (Abr. "BTM"): Billed tax points med. portion B.TaxPoints Tech.> (Abr. "BTT"): Billed tax points tech. portion B.TaxPoints Total> (Abr. "BTT"): Billed tax points total
- Price> (Abbr. 'BdV'): Price of billed quantity
- Billed gross value> (Abbr. 'GV'): Gross value of billed quantity
- NBldQt> (Abbr. 'N'): Quantity not yet billed (BblAnt - BldAnt
- NonbilledVal> (Abbr. 'NBd'): Value of non-billed quantity
Further fields are available for the monthly or daily output. Thesefields contain the total for the complete evaluation period. Please note that the value fields are only available if you specified aservice catalog column. The billing fields are only displayed if youselected the corresponding indicators on the selection screen.