Description With this program you can evaluate billing documents with regard tocondition types and revenue accounts. The selection screen comprises the mandatory field Institution>and 5 further blocks:
- Under Invoices> you can specify selection criteria for the
invoices and selection criteria for condition types and revenueaccounts. You can also enter here, e.g. if you only want statisticalcondition types to be evaluated. Using the Include cancel.documents> indicator, you can choose to process canceled invoices andtheir corresponding cancellation documents. If you select this option,both canceled items and cancellation documents (with a negative value)are displayed. If the indicator is not set, only items that have notbeen canceled are displayed.
- Under Services> you can restrict the evaluation to invoice items
of a particular service. Besides the service, charge type and relevantorganizational units, you can also make a selection based on specificindicators that were determined at the time of billing.
- Under Insurance provider> you can restrict the evaluation to
invoices that were addressed to particular insurance providers orinsurance provider types. You can also specify here that you only wantto evaluate self-payers. To do this, leave the Insurance provider > field empty and select the selection option single value ("=").
- Under Cases> you can restrict the evaluation to particular cases.
To do this, you can either enter the case type or the case numbersdirectly (using the multiple selection pushbutton).
- You control the program output in the last block. Here you can specify
a layout for the list which determines how the list is output. You canalso let the system write all the cases for which values could bedetermined in accordance with the selection criteria to a selectionindicator. Please note that the cases are appended to existingselection indicators. Cases will not be deleted from the selectionindicator. If a selection indicator does not yet exist, the systemcreates one automatically. You have to fill at least one of the fields Invoice date>,Invoice creation date>, Document number of invoice> orCases> to be evaluated (or selection indicator) on the selectionscreen. INCLUDE ISH_EXTRACT_REP OBJECT DOKU ID TXOutput Output is carried out with the SAP List Viewer which has a range ofoptions that let you tailor the output to meet your own requirements.