Description This program generates an overview of the invoice documents that existin Patient Accounting. If you use the default settings for this report,then canceled invoices, canceled invoice items, and cancellations areNOT output. Selection Criteria
- You can use a range of parameters to determine which invoices are
- If you select the option Output items>, item data will also be
displayed. If you do not select this option, only invoice header datawill be displayed.
- If you select the option Canceled invoices also>, canceled
invoices and canceled positions will also be selected and output. Ifyou do not select this option, the report will only output invoices andinvoice items that are not canceled.
- The Invoice type> option lets you specify whether the system
should output invoices (NF01), or cancellations (NS01), or both. Theamounts and quantities in cancellations are displayed as negativevalues. By default, cancellations and canceled invoices are notdisplayed.
- You can write the cases corresponding to the invoices selected to a
selection indicator. To do this, select the field Append selectionindicator>, and enter the name of the selection indicator. If theselection indicator in question does not exist, the system creates it.If the selection indicator exists and already contains cases, the newcases are added on. Cases are not deleted from the selection indicator. INCLUDE ISH_EXTRACT_REP OBJECT DOKU ID TXOutput You can use a range of functions to tailor the layout of the resultlist. You can, for example, specify that certain fields should behidden and that others should appear in the list. You can also sort thelist, total up the list, and filter the list. Depending on the parameters defined, there are two basic list types:
- List of invoices (document header data)
- List of invoices and invoice items
Invoices to patients (self-payers) appear under insurance provider'.P.' in the list.Notes
- The invoice quantities are displayed in the document currency. Using
the layout settings in the list, you can also display the amountconverted into your local currency by selecting the Amount in localcurrency> field.
- If invoice documents with different currencies are displayed, the
columns affected by this are not totaled up.