Description The public list enables you to find patients who are present at a givendate/time. Procedure You can select various criteria for the evaluation:
- Restriction to one or more institutions
- Date and time for which the public list is to be compiled
To specify the current date and system time, choose the Refresh>icon.
- In the Patient Search Criteria> group box, you can further
restrict the evaluation.
- In the Scope of List> group box, you can specify one of four types
of presence, or a combination of any of these: Inpatients present: Patients who have been admitted as inpatients and have still to bedischarged. Patients with a planned inpatient admission on the key date(other planned movements are not taken into account). Patients on leaveof absence are indicated separately. Day patients present: Patients who have been admitted as day patients and have still to bedischarged. Patients with a planned day patient admission on the keydate (other planned movements are not taken into account). Patients onleave of absence are indicated separately. In-/day patients discharged: You specify the number of days that have elapsed since discharge in thefield adjacent to Since Days>. Outpatients present: Patients who have an outpatient visit on the key date Show absences: Absent patients are indicated.
- You can sort the resulting list either alphabetically (by patient name),
or by organizational unit. To call the public list, choose the Execute> icon. INCLUDE ISH_EXTRACT_REP OBJECT DOKU ID TXPrecondition Institutions you selected and for which you do not have authorizationare not taken into account. If you have authorization for organizationalunits for which the Data protection> indicator is set, these areidentified as subject to data protection in the resulting list. The institution-specific, time-independent parameter ADR_BER>controls whether the patient's address can be displayed in aninstitution. For further information about this, seeMaintain Institution-Specific,Time-Dependent Parameters> in the IS-H Implementation Guide >.> The interval (in days) within which discharges are taken into account isset by the client-specific, time-independent parameter FRISTPFL>.The default value in the program is "5". For further information aboutthis, see Maintain Client-Specific,Time-Independent Parameters> in the IS-H Implementation Guide >.>Output Patients for whom the Public List Block> indicator is set are notdisplayed in the basic list. The basic list contains the following information:
- Name, birthdate and sex
- Case number
- Nursing organizational unit, departmental organizational unit, room and
telephone number
- Admission date and discharge date
You can further process the basic list as follows:
- Resort the list
If your list is sorted alphabetically, you can resort it according toorganizational unit. To do this, from the list choose Edit -> Sort-> By Organizational Unit>. If your list is sorted by organizational unit, you can resort italphabetically. To do this, from the list choose Edit -> Sort ->Alphabetically>.
- Create a restricted list
When you choose Restrict List>, a dialog box appears for you tospecify restrictions based on last name, first name, sex, organizationalunit, or type of absence. Only the data of the basic list is used tocompile the restricted list. When you select a departmental organizational unit, the system displaysall the patients on the organizational units below this unit in thehierarchy, including the organizational units that support int erdepartmental bed assignments. The restricted list also enables you to display patients for whom thePublic List Block> indicator is set. You can switch from one restricted list to another restricted list.Back> always returns you to the basic list.