Purpose This report enables you to create an overview of case-related materialconsumptions. Prerequisites To execute the report, you require the report authorization for theauthorization group N_STAT. Before displaying the result, the system checks whether you areauthorized to display consumptions (authorization object N_NMAT_OE). Ifyou do not have this authorization, the report does not display theconsumptions in the output list. Selection Specify an institution and an evaluation period on the selection screen.Note that the evaluation period relates to the date of the consumptionand not to the creation or update date. The Data Selection> group box provides the following selectioncriteria:
- The Requesting Dept. OU> and Requesting Nurs. OU> fields
enable you to restrict the analysis to a specific organizational unit(OU).
- The Case> and Material> fields enable you to restrict the
analysis to a range of cases and/or materials.
- The Vendor Batch> field enables you to restrict the analysis to
consumptions for an external batch number. If you wish to restrict theanalysis to an internal batch number, first restrict according tomaterial number and then use the filter function in the results list.
- The fields Ordering Physician> and patient enable you to restrict
the evaluation to selected ordering physicians or patients.
- The Canceled Also> checkbox enables you to specify whether the
report is to include canceled material consumptions in the output list. In the Output> group box, you can specify a layout for the SAPList Viewer (ALV).Output The output list is sorted according to the criteria Institution>Case Number> and Date of Material Consumption>, as standard. The list is output using the SAP List Viewer (ALV). This provides youwith many possibilities for column selection, sorting and filtering andenables you to tailor the list output to satisfy your own individualrequirements.