Title IS-H: AD Hoc Purchasing and Consumption Analysis Purpose The report creates a purchasing and consumption analysis in relation toa material number, cost center or vendor. It analyzes the material documents with regard to quantity andconsumption. Three different view types are available to you for this:
- Per material number
- Per cost center
- Per vendor.
In relation to the evaluation and comparison interval you specify, theprogram creates a monthly report with assigned quantity andconsumption. Purchasing-related (e.g. goods receipt) andconsumption-related (e.g. goods issue to a cost center) materialmovements are included in the analysis depending on the selected viewtype. The monthly time series is supplemented by various global information.This information relates to the respective period and selected viewtype (material number, vendor, cost center).Prerequisites Note that the analysis period cannot exceed twelve months. The materialdocuments are assigned to the relevant period using the posting date. When creating an analysis by cost center, the report analyzes allmovement types of the material documents, which are assigned to thecorresponding cost center. For the summation of the amounts andquantities of the various material documents, the report analyzes therelevant debit/credit indicator. Material documents with a debitindicator increase the amounts and quantities; material documents witha credit indicator decrease the amounts and quantities. When creating an analysis by material number and vendor, the reportuses the following standard movement types for the consumption andquantity key figures: 101, 102, 122, 123, 221, 222, 231, 232, 241, 242, 261, 262, 501,502, 511, 512 Features Selection You have to specify the evaluation period and the desired view type.You can create the analysis:
- Per material number
- Per cost center or
- Per vendor.
If you select the Per Material Number> analysis, you are requiredto specify exactly one material number. The remaining parameters areused to further restrict the analysis. For instance, you can furtherrestrict the analysis to one or more cost center(s). Similarly, if youselect Per Cost Center>, you must specify exactly one costcenter. In such cases, the material numbers act as additional selectioncriteria. If you select Per Vendor>, you can again only specifyone vendor. You can also the following information from the material master asadditional selection criteria:
- Plant
- Material group
- ATC code
You can restrict the analysis to purchasing organizations, if singlematerial documents are assigned to a purchase order. The specification of a comparison period is optional. You can specifyno more than twelve months for the evaluation and comparison period. INCLUDE ISH_EXTRACT_REP OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE ENOutput The report creates a monthly time series with assigned quantity andconsumption in relation to the selected view type and specifiedperiods. The system outputs the amount per month as standard. You canuse layout management to include the quantities per month. The time series is constructed according to the following criteria:
- When the material number is specified, a time series is output per
- When the cost center is specified, the time series is output per
material number and plant.
- When the vendor is specified, the time series is output per material
number and plant. If you specified a comparision period, the system outputs this belowthe evaluation period. The system outputs the following information for the respectiveselection at the bottom of the list:
- Number of purchase orders (only for selection per material or per
- Number of goods receipts (movement types 101 and 102)
- Number of goods issues (movement types 201 and 202)
- Number of returns (movement types 122 and 123)
- List of cost centers (for selection per material or per vendor - only
with movement types 101 and 102)
- List of vendors (for selection per cost center or per material - only
with movement types 101 and 102)
- List of material numbers (for selection per cost center or per vendor -
with all movement types). The system outputs the most recent posting date in the list of costcenters, vendors and material numbers. It only displays the 10 mostrecent materials in the respective period. The Material Document List> function provides you with a list ofthe various documents (corresponding to the transaction MB51) for thecurrent selection. The system lists the various material documents forthe evaluation and comparison period taking into account the selectionsof the current report. Note that the cost center is not available as standard on the selectionscreen in the material document list. If you selected the view per costcenter in the ad hoc purchasing and consumption analysis and wish tobranch into the material document list, you have to add the cost centerto the visible fields using the IMG activity Define Field Selection for Material Document List>>.