Description This report creates a list of all persons assigned to a movement withinthe specified movement period. Precondition You must specify the institution and the evaluation period within whichthe movement date occurs. You can make further restrictions by specifying the function of thecase-to-person assignment, the case type and the organizational unit(OU) you want to evaluate.
- View for output
The view you select on the selection screen stipulates whichorganizational unit the system is to display: Departmental Nursing Treatment
- Sort order for output
You can set a specific view and sort order. The following options areprovided: Physician Organizational unit Occurrence of assignmentsOutput The system outputs all persons who are assigned to a movement thatoccurs within the specified period. Assignments with the function "otherassignment" (for example, midwives, nurses), or assignments that are notassigned to a special movement but to the case as a whole, are displayedif the validity of the assignment overlaps the evaluation period. Themovement data such as movement date and organizational unit remain emptyin such cases.