Description This program creates an overview of all of the cases transferred to anexternal hospital. The result is output for the evaluation period> specified or thecases described using the selection indicator you enter on theselection screen. If a flat rate per case exists for a case, this flat rate is outputalong with the corresponding maximum length of stay (MLS). If there areseveral flat rates per case for a case, the acute treatment flat rateor the flat rate of the mother and the sum of all MLS are output. When executed in the hospital providing initial treatment, this programprovides a basis for apportioning the flat rate with the post-dischargehospital.Selection screen On the selection screen , you must enter at least the institution andthe evaluation period, or the institution and the selection indicator. If you want to use the discharge period to evaluate the database, youmust select By discharge period>. This period is defaulted to theprevious 100 days. For reasons of performance, the evaluation period isinitially restricted to one year. If you want to execute the evaluationover a more extensive period, you have to confirm the warning issuedfor your entry by pressing Enter>. By means of the selectionoptions>, you can choose whether the system is to consider the caseswithin the period you specified (default setting) or those outside ofthis period. Additional selection criteria allow you to further restrict the casesto be evaluated. You can also restrict the discharge type, however thesystem ignores discharge types if such discharges are not made toexternal hospitals. It is consequently only expedient to restrict theevaluation by discharge type if you specify corresponding dischargetypes that are flagged as discharges to external (post-discharge)hospitals. If you want the selection to be made using the selection indicator, youmust select the corresponding option and specify a selection indicator.If you specified a discharge period as well, this restriction isignored. The program only outputs those cases described by yourselection indictor that have been discharged into an external hospital. Under Further data>, you can choose a display variant for yourlist that you have previously created and saved with the ABAP ListViewer. You can display the available display variants by choosingPossible entries> for this field.Precondition Please note that the program only evaluates those cases that weredischarged into an external hospital (discharge type with indictor EK). Cases without services are ignored. Output The program lists the cases matching your selection criteria below thecorresponding external hospital. Cases for which the post-dischargehospital was not maintained in the discharge data are listed underUnknown>. The date when the maximum length of stay covered by a flat rate percase is reached is highlighted only if it occurs after the case hasbeen discharged. This offers maximum visibility. Since the output is displayed with the ABAP ListViewer>, you dispose of the various functions this tool provides forediting list (e.g. sort). For more information on the ABAP List Viewer, see the onlinedocumentation under CA Cross-Application Components>. The following data is displayed for each case found in the basic(default) list: Case> Patient> Patient name> Date of birth> Movement type> Admission date> Discharge date> Flat rate per case> (if exists) MLS> (if flat rate per case exists) You can include the following data in your list by choosingSettings -> Display variant -> Current>: Postal code of hospital (header)> Street of hospital (header)> MLS intensive care> Disposition upon discharge> Information on disposition upon discharge> Information on movement type> Organizational unit short text> Specialty> Information on discharge> Movement reason> Information on movement reason> Double-clicking a row in the list returns a dialog box containing allof the available information on the corresponding data record. If you want to complete or view the discharge data in greater detail,select the required cases, and then choose Goto -> Discharge> (orchoose the corresponding pushbutton). When you are in the dischargetransaction, you can easily access the diagnoses and services. Toreturn to output list, choose Exit>. |