Description The analysis program IS-H: Key Figures for Diagnosis and ProcedureDocumentation> (RNLDIA02) lists numerous key figures fordiagnosis> andprocedure documentation>.Inpatient and day patient cases are analyzed from different perspectives(institution, departmental organizational unit, nursing organizationalunit, individual case level) to determine the key figures or indicators.Features INCLUDE ISH_EXTRACT_REP OBJECT DOKU ID TX Selection You must specify the institution for which you wish create the analysis. You can restrict the number of cases analyzed by specifying thefollowing selection criteria:
- Case selection
or any combination of the following:
- Evaluation period
- Departmental organizational units (OUs)
- Nursing OUs
The Healthy Newborns> indicator lets you stipulate whether healthynewborns are to be include (option selected) or not included (option notselected) in the analysis. The radio buttons in the Relevant for Evaluation Period (CaseSelection) and OU Assignment (Results List)> group box tell the systemwhether to use the date/time of admission or discharge of an inpatientor day patient case as the criterion for the evaluation period and OUs.If you select the DRG Principal Diagnosis> radio button, thesystem uses the date/time of the admission for the case selection. Whenthis radio button is selected, the system uses the OU in which the DRGprincipal diagnosis was documented when determining the case-to-OUassignment. If you specify a case selection instead of an evaluationperiod, this criterion only applies for the OU assignment. The OUassignment determines to which departmental or nursing unit the systemassigns a case in the analysis. In the Key Figure-Specific Settings> group box, the ThresholdValue "Expected Number of Diagnoses"> field lets you stipulate theminimum number of countable diagnoses that a case should have for youranalysis. If the number of countable diagnoses entered for a case isinferior to the specification you made in this field, the system countsthe case for the key figure for all cases Without Expected Number ofDiagnoses>. In the List Layout> group box, you can define the layout of bothoutput lists.
- If you select Skip Departments> the system lists the care units
irrespective of departments in the second list (care unit and caselevel).
- If you want the cases to be directly visible in the list, select
Expand Cases>. All indicators and key figures in conjunction with diagnoses only takeinto account "countable" diagnoses for a case. "Countable" means:
- The program takes diagnoses with the same code, the same catalog and
the same localization into account once only.
- The program does not takes user-defined texts and blocked diagnoses
into account.Output The system outputs the following key figures> in relation to theinstitution and the OUs:
- Number of admissions
Absolute number of admission movements of the selected cases
- Number of discharges
Absolute number of discharge movements of the selected cases
- Number of diagnoses per case
Average number of all diagnoses currently entered for each case
- Cases without DRG principal diagnoses
Absolute number of cases without DRG principal diagnosis
- Percentage of cases without DRG principal diagnosis
Number of cases without cases without DRG principal diagnosis expressedas a percentage of all cases
- Cases without DRG secondary diagnoses
Absolute number of cases without DRG secondary diagnoses
- Percentage of cases without DRG secondary diagnoses
Number of cases without DRG secondary diagnoses expressed as apercentage of all cases
- Percentage of cases with non-specific principal diagnosis
Number of cases with principal diagnosis whose ICD code has the fourthdigit "9" expressed as a percentage of all cases. The definition of anon-specific diagnosis code can be customized using a BAdI.
- Percentage of cases with non-specific secondary diagnosis
Number of cases with secondary diagnosis whose ICD code has the fourthdigit "9" expressed as a percentage of all cases. The definition of anon-specific diagnosis code can be customized using a BAdI.
- Number of cases without hospital main diagnosis
Number of cases without hospital main diagnosis expressed as apercentage of all cases.
- Percentage of cases with surgery movement
Number of cases with surgery movement expressed as a percentage of allcases
- Percentage of cases without procedure
Number of cases without procedure expressed as a percentage of allcases
- Percentage of cases with surgery movement, but without "5-*" procedure
Number of cases with surgery movement, but without procedure startingwith the ICPM code "5-", expressed as a percentage of all cases.According to ICPM, almost all operative procedures start with "5-", incontrast to diagnostic procedures. The definition of the specialattributes of a procedure can be customized using a BAdI.
- Entry duration admission diagnosis
Average number of days from the admission movement of a case to thetime the diagnosis with the role admission diagnosis> is entered.The point in time when a diagnosis is entered can be different to thepoint in time when a role is assigned to a diagnosis. This makes amargin of error possible.
- Entry duration discharge diagnosis
Average number of days from the discharge movement of a case to thetime the diagnosis with the role discharge diagnosis> is entered.The point in time when a diagnosis is entered can be different to thepoint in time when a role is assigned to a diagnosis. This makes amargin of error possible.
- Patient age
Average age of all patients
- Number of cases with department change
Absolute number of cases with department change
- Number of cases with non-specific procedure
Number of cases with procedure whose ICPM code contains ".Y", expressedas a percentage of all cases. The definition of a non-specificprocedure code can be customized using a BAdI.
- Average length of stay
Average length of stay of all selected cases
- Number of cases without expected number of diagnoses per case
Percentage of cases with a number of diagnoses per case inferior to aexpected number. You specify the expected number of diagnoses on theselection screen.
- Average percentage DRG-relevant diagnoses in relation to diagnoses of a
case The average percentage of DRG-relevant diagnoses per case is based onthe diagnoses of a case that were flagged as relevant for determiningthe DRG after grouping has been performed. Only cases that already havea DRG code are used to calculate the average.
- Case Mix Index
The case mix index is calculated here by dividing the sum of all costweights of the cases with documented DRG by the number of cases withdocumented DRG. The system outputs the following indicators> for an individualcase:
- Number of diagnoses
Average number of all diagnoses entered in the system (regardless ofthe role of a diagnoses and including referral diagnoses)
- Principal diagnosis Yes/No
Number of DRG principal diagnoses for the case
- Number of DRG secondary diagnoses
Absolute number of DRG secondary diagnoses of the case
- Non-specific principal diagnosis Yes/No
Number of principal diagnoses of the case whose ICD code has the fourthdigit "9". The definition of a non-specific diagnosis code can becustomized using a BAdI.
- Number of non-specific secondary diagnoses
Absolute number of secondary diagnoses of the case whose ICD code hasthe fourth digit "9". The definition of a non-specific diagnosis codecan be customized using a BAdI.
- Hospital main diagnosis Yes/No
Number of hospital main diagnoses of the case.
- Number of surgery movements
Absolute number of surgery movements of the case
- Number of procedures
Absolute number of procedures of the case
- Number of non-specific procedures
Absolute number of procedures for the case whose ICPM code contains".Y". The definition of a non-specific procedure code can be customizedusing a BAdI.
- With surgery movement, but without "5-*" procedure Yes/No
The case has at least one surgery movement, but no "5-*" procedure asICPM code. The definition of the special attributes of a procedure canbe customized using a BAdI.
- Entry duration admission diagnosis
Average number of days from the admission movement of the case to thetime the diagnosis with the role admission diagnosis> is entered.The point in time when a diagnosis is entered can be different to thepoint in time when a role is assigned to a diagnosis. This makes amargin of error possible.
- Entry duration discharge diagnosis
Average number of days from the discharge movement of a case to the timethe diagnosis with the role discharge diagnosis> is entered. Thepoint in time when a diagnosis is entered can be different to the pointin time when a role is assigned to a diagnosis. This makes a margin oferror possible.
- Patient age
Age of the patient
- Number of department changes
Absolute number of department changes of the case
- Without expected number of diagnoses Yes/No
If the case has the expected number of cases, the system outputs theresult 0. If the case doesn't have the expected number of cases, thesystem outputs the result 1.
- Length of stay
Number of billing days for the case that are essentially determinedusing the admission date and the discharge date.
- DRG code
DRG code of the case, if grouping already performed.
- MDC code
MDC code of the case, if grouping already performed.
- Severity of illness
PCCL (Patient Clinical Complexity Level) for the case, if groupingalready performed.
- Cost weight
Cost weight for the case, if grouping already performed.