Description This program enables you to evaluate diagnoses and the total number of o ccurring cases. The evaluation only takes cases into account that have astay in the departmental or nursing/treatment organizational unit withinthe evaluation period. The cases are displayed in a hierarchical list. The diagnosis is outputin the header row, and the cases for which the diagnosis was entered isoutput in the item rows. Precondition The institution, evaluation period, and the diagnosis coding catalog towhich the evaluation should relate are mandatory entries on the selectio n screen. The evaluation can be further restricted by specifyingadditional selection conditions. You should take particular note of the options relating to diagnoses cat egories and classes:
- The radio buttons let you restrict the diagnosis category: either all di
agnosis categories, only referral diagnoses, or only treatmentdiagnoses.
- If you selected the radio button All Diagn. Categories> or
Treatment Diagnoses Only>, the checkboxes let you further restrict theclasses of the treatment diagnoses. When evaluating the diagnoses, the program checks whether the user is au thorized to use diagnosis processing (authorization objectN_NDIA_ORG>). If, as a result, the evaluation can only be carriedout in a restricted manner, or not at all, the system issues acorresponding message to inform the use of this. You can restrict the evaluation to specific case numbers by making speci fications in the Case Selection> and Case> fields. Theprogram interprets the cases from these two criteria additively and notas mutually restrictive. INCLUDE ISH_EXTRACT_REP OBJECT DOKU ID TX This program is not intended for analyzing large volumes of data. In par ticular, the selection of extensive time intervals results in long runtimes and extensive memory consumption.Output You can custom tailor the output list to meet your requirements using th e functions of the SAP List Viewer. You can add or remove fields, sortthe list, apply filters, and so on. A 1 is output in each item row under "Number of Cases". This enables you to determine the total number of cases for each diagnosis. To do this,first position the cursor on the column header "Number of Cases", andthen execute the Total> function (Edit -> Calculate -> Total, orchoose the pushbutton with the total icon). This creates a total acrossall cases. Now position the cursor on the column header "DiagnosisCode", and execute the Subtotals> function (Edit -> Subtotals, orchoose the pushbutton with the subtotal icon). If the program is executed in the background, a spool request is created for the hierarchical list of diagnoses and cases.Example
- If you select the Discharge Diagnoses> checkbox, all cases with di
scharge diagnoses that satisfy the stipulated selection conditions areoutput. If you selected the All Diagn. Categories> radio button,the program also outputs cases with referral diagnoses. If you selectedthe Treatment Diagnoses Only> radio button, the program onlyoutputs cases with discharge diagnoses. If you selected the ReferralDiagnoses Only> radio button, a further classification (dischargediagnoses, for example) is without effect.
- If you select the Treatment Diagnoses Only> radio button without s
electing further diagnoses classes, the program outputs all cases withtreatment diagnoses irrespective of the other indicators that may be setfor them. For instance, all cases for which treatment diagnoses withouta further classification are output.