Description This program evaluates treatment certificates. Precondition You are required to make an entry in the Institution> andEvaluation period> fields. The evaluation period relates to thevalidity of the treatment certificates; in other words, the systemevaluates all of the treatment certificates that are valid within theevaluation period. If you only want to evaluate treatment certificates of particularinsurance providers, specify the insurance provider(s) in question inthe Insurance provider> field. The Category>, Type> and Status> fields enable you tostipulate that only treatment certificates of a particular category,type, or with a particular status are to be output. By entering an organizational unit you stipulate that only treatmentcertificates stored in that organizational unit or assigned to aparticular departmental or treatment organizational unit are to beevaluated. The assignment of a treatment certificate to a departmentalor treatment organizational unit results from the assignment of thetreatment certificate to a visit. You restrict the evaluation to particular organizational units bymaking entries in the Treatment organizational unit>. Dept.organizational unit> and Storing organizational unit> fields. You can sort the output list by Patient>, Insuranceprovider> and Treatment organizational unit>. The default sortcriterion is "Sort by patient". You can also sort the list again Sieebenfalls die Möglichkeit, die Liste nach diesen drei Kriterien zusortieren.Output Ausgegeben werden:
- Patientenname, Fallnummer und Fallart
- Belegnummer und Gültigkeitszeitraum des Behandlungsscheins
- Der dem Behandlungsschein zugeordnete Kostenträger
- Behandlungsscheintyp, -art und -status
- Fachliche, behandelnde und speichernde Organisationseinheit