Description Import program for the log file of PPA billing. This file is output bythe appropriate subsystem as a log of the current PPA-billed cases. InIS-H, this information is used to pass on the status of the casestransferred to PPA billing, and information on any errors they maycontain. You must specify a path for this file, and state whether it is to befound on the application server or the presentation server. The status files of cases transferred to PPA billing are constructed onthe basis of the error records in the sequential file. The overallstatus of a confirmed case is derived from the highest error confirmed.As soon as an error message (type E) is confirmed, the case isconsidered to contain errors, and is not assigned a billing flag.Please note that at least one information message (type I) or warning(type W) must be confirmed before a case is given a billing flag. Thebilling flag for the current case is only set if the test mode optionhas not been selected for the billing flag. A separate test mode option is available for writing data to the logfile, and updating the billing flag for the current case. If the testmode option has been selected for the log file, no data is written tothe status files. You can only process your results further if youdeselect the test mode option for the log records. You can use report Display Status of PPA Billing Cases>(RNLBDT02)> to edit the status files. Please note that eachtime a case is confirmed, all previous messages for the case aredeleted.Precondition A sequential file must exist in the directory (folder) specified. Thisfile must also have the correct format (see structure RNBDT1>). Please find out about the record structure defined for the log recordsyou want to import. This is described in structure RNBDT1>. Youcan also specify a message number from IS-H, along with functionalarea, message number, and message variables via the message file, oryou can simply enter a message test.Output Log of the records imported, if the log record flag is set. |