Description This report enables you to generate a status extract for a patient. This extract contains the most important patient-related andcase-related data in summarized form. You can use the following parameters on the selection screen to restrictthe data output by the report:
- Number of cases to be displayed
- Scope of the patient-related and case-related data
The following are required entry fields on the selection screen:
- Institution
- Patient
- At least one option in the Patient Data> and Case Data>
group boxes.Precondition To call this report you require the authorization N_LMPATA. Output The scope of the data contained in the extract depends on the selectioncriteria specified. The report displays the following data, at most:
- Patient >
Patient ID (name, address, birthdate, etc.) Occupation and employer data Next of kin data Risk factors
- Case>
General case data Movements, delivery and birth data Variable case data Case classification, case-to-case assignment, case-to-person assignment Medical case data Diagnoses, surgeries Case data relevant for billing, such as services, insurance coverage,case-related insurance relationships, invoice overview. Note:> When displaying archived cases for which the case-related insurancerelationships are still in the table NVVF, the report displays thecase-related and> patient-related insurance relationships. This isnecessary, since the case-related insurance data from the table NVVFdoes not contain all of the relevant information (validity, type ofcoverage, for example). Since only the case-related insurancerelationships can be archived when a case is archived, thepatient-related insurance relationships might not have the same statusas when the case was archived. If you set the Display Messages> indicator, the system alsodisplays messages to inform you of the areas where patient or case datahas not been maintained.