Purpose This report enables you to create case-related material consumptionsfrom a sequential dataset. The input file can be read either from theapplication server or from the presentation server and is processed bymeans of the structure information tables TNT2 and TNT2S ( Data Transfer>). You should first run the report in test mode and check the results listbefore importing and updating the data in the database.Prerequisites To execute the report, you require the report authorization for theauthorization group N_U_HCO. When material consumptions are created or canceled, an authorizationcheck is performed for the object N_NMAT_OE. The report can process up to 999 999 data records in a single run. Themaximum length of a data record in the input file is 256 characters. A structure definition> must exist forthe sequential dataset. Fields of the structure RNMCONS_ATTRIB and thecase number (FALNR) are permitted input fields. Specify the field namesunder Screen Field> in the structure definition. Note that the report does not process subrecord types. You'll find an example for a structure description under theidentification NMCONS> in the tables TNT2 and TNT2S.Selection INCLUDE ISH_EXTRACT_REP OBJECT DOKU ID TX Output Unlike other RNI* reports, this report does not create a batch inputsession. It updates the data directly in the database in productionmode. The report displays the successfully created or canceled materialconsumptions in the output list. It displays the number of imported andsuccessfully processed material consumptions at the bottom of the list. If you set the Log> indicator, the report outputs any errormessages for data records that were not created. If you run the program in the background>, the system adds theerror messages to the end of the output list when the standard SAP ListViewer output is used. If the grid display is used for the results list,the report does not output error messages. |